25.01.2017, 11:27
PHP код:
CMD:admins(playerid, params[])
new count;
new admtext[128];
new string[128],stringz[128];
for( new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ )
if ( IsPlayerConnected( i ) )
if( pData[i][Admin] >= 1 )
switch( pData[i][Admin] )
case 10: admtext = "Server Owner";
case 9: admtext = "Management";
case 8: admtext = "xMs Special Admin";
case 7: admtext = "head admin";
case 6: admtext = "lead admin";
case 5: admtext = "ubber admin";
case 4: admtext = "Admin";
case 3: admtext = "Admin";
case 2: admtext = "Admin";
case 1: admtext = "Admin";
format( stringz , 128,"Total Admins Online ");
format( string, 128, "%s (ID:%d) Level:%d (%s)\n\nTotal XtremeX admins %d", GetName( playerid ), playerid , pData[i][Admin] , admtext, count);
ShowPlayerDialog( playerid , 190 , DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX , stringz , string, "Ok" , "Close" );
if (count == 0)
format( stringz , 128 ,"No Admins Online ");
format( string , 128 ,"Currently NO admin online\nAdmins Watching from IRC\nand Admins Eyes always on you" );
ShowPlayerDialog( playerid,191,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX , stringz , string , "Ok" , "Close" );
if(count >= 0)
ShowPlayerDialog( playerid , 190 , DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX , stringz , string, "Ok" , "Close" );
return 1;
IRCCMD:admins(botid, channel[], user[], host[], params[])
new count;
new admtext[128];
new stringz[128];
for( new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ )
if( pData[i][Admin] >= 3 )
switch( pData[i][Admin] )
case 10: admtext = "Server Owner";
case 9: admtext = "Management";
case 8: admtext = "xMs Special Admin";
case 7: admtext = "head admin";
case 6: admtext = "lead admin";
case 5: admtext = "ubber admin";
case 4: admtext = "Admin";
case 3: admtext = "Admin";
case 2: admtext = "Admin";
case 1: admtext = "Admin";
format(stringz,sizeof(stringz),"0,10 Admin %s (ID: %d) [Level %d] (%s)",GetName(i),i,pData[i][Admin],admtext);
IRC_GroupSay(groupID, IRC_CHANNEL, stringz);
if (count == 0)
IRC_GroupSay(groupID, IRC_CHANNEL, "No admins are online!");
format(stringz, sizeof(stringz), "0,10 %d XtremeX Admin Online",count);
IRC_GroupSay(groupID, IRC_CHANNEL, stringz);
new msg[134],msg1[1323];
format(msg, sizeof(msg), "*Online Admins Player List Requested by %s ~ Total %d", user, count);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFB400FF, msg);
format(msg1, sizeof(msg1), "0,10 *Online Admins List Requested by %s ~ Total %d",user,count);
IRC_GroupSay(groupID, IRC_CHANNEL, msg1);
return 1;
and in irc
there is 2 admins and it say
<~xMs-01> 0,10 Admin (ID: 1) [Level 9] (Management) <~xMs-01> 0,10 *Online Admins List Requested by Martex ~ Total 2