26.11.2016, 20:52
I have this command /myvehicles which displays which vehicles are owned by you.
I also have the variable, "playerSlots" which says how many vehicle slots you have.
This is the command:
Now let's say I have 2 vehicles, and 5 slots.
That means that 3 slots would be empty.
How can I make it so when you do /myvehicles, it shows the vehicles you have, and after them, it will show how many empty slots you have. So the dialog would look like this:
Infernus [ spawned ] 84Hsa7 $100,000
Bullet [ spawned ] 84Hsa7 $100,000
- empty -
- empty -
- empty -
So basically it would add "- empty -" under each other, as many times as you have free slots.
How can I do this?
I have this command /myvehicles which displays which vehicles are owned by you.
I also have the variable, "playerSlots" which says how many vehicle slots you have.
This is the command:
CMD:myvehicles(playerid, params[]) { new aim[1500]; format(aim, 256,"Name\tStatus\tCarplate\tPrice\n"); new stringg[256]; mysql_format(handle, stringg, sizeof(stringg), "SELECT * FROM `vehicles` WHERE `vehicleOwnerID` = %d && `vehicleStatus` = 1",playerVariables[playerid][pInternalID]); new vehid, vehmodel, cplate[64]; new Cache: result12 = mysql_query (handle, stringg); for ( new i, j = cache_get_row_count ( ); i != j; ++i ) { cache_get_field_content(i, "vehicleID", result); vehid = strval(result); SelVeh[playerid][count] = vehid; cache_get_field_content(i, "vehicleModelID", result); vehmodel = strval(result); cache_get_field_content(i, "vehicleNumberPlate", result); format(cplate, 64, result); if(vehicleVariables[vehid][vVehicleStatus] == 0) { format(aim, sizeof(aim), "%s %s\t{%s}[ despawned ]\t%s\t$%s\n", aim, VehicleNames[vehmodel - 400], selColor[175], cplate, NumberFormat(vehPrice[vehmodel])); } else { format(aim, sizeof(aim), "%s %s\t{%s}[ spawned ]\t%s\t$%s\n", aim, VehicleNames[vehmodel - 400], selColor[226], cplate, NumberFormat(vehPrice[vehmodel])); } } cache_delete(result12); if(count == 0) { SCM(playerid, -1, "You don't own any vehicles."); } else { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_DISPLAY_VEHICLES, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "My Vehicles",aim,"Select","Cancel"); } return 1; }
That means that 3 slots would be empty.
How can I make it so when you do /myvehicles, it shows the vehicles you have, and after them, it will show how many empty slots you have. So the dialog would look like this:
Infernus [ spawned ] 84Hsa7 $100,000
Bullet [ spawned ] 84Hsa7 $100,000
- empty -
- empty -
- empty -
So basically it would add "- empty -" under each other, as many times as you have free slots.
How can I do this?