Adding objects to skin

Is there someway to add objects to a specific skin like blood on zombies? If so, mind helping me out? Would be a great help to my server.

Check if the player has the skin, THEN, attach the object to the player, if otherwise player doesn't have that skin THEN don't attach the object, simple as that.

Functions to be used on this script (in order);
* GetPlayerSkin
* Check if IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed returns are null (zero) ... then
* SetPlayerAttachedObject

To determine the position for the object you wanted to put in to the skin, do the following (my style);
* Set to the skin where you wanted the object to be attached from.
* Create a command that attaches the object to the skin (place it at the coords, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
* Create another command that will enable EditAttachedObject
* Make a few debugs (print out the coordinates etc of the object in the player's skin) @ OnPlayerEditAttachedObject
* You are good to go.

@ Search out the SA-MP wiki for more information of the use of these functions.

Thanks. Any idea of an object id that would best fit for zombies like blood?

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