Commands are not shown

Okay i have this /cmds command and it shows dialog of what commands I can choose. When i choose first they are shown. But any bellow is not. Here is code
PHP код:
Info[playerid][Admin]>=1ShowPlayerDialog(playeridDIALOG_CMDSDIALOG_STYLE_LIST"BFE COMMANDS""Account\nPlayer\nVehicle\nHouse\nVip\nAdmin""Select""Cancel");
Info[playerid][Admin]< 1ShowPlayerDialog(playeridDIALOG_CMDSDIALOG_STYLE_LIST"BFE COMMANDS""Account\nPlayer\nVehicle\nHouse\nVip""Select""Cancel");
dialogid == DIALOG_CMDS)
listitem == 0)return ShowPlayerDialog(playeridDIALOG_CMDS_ACCOUNTDIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX""RED"BFE Account Commands"""ORANGE"/changename "GREEN"- change your name\n"ORANGE"/changepass  "GREEN"- change your account password""OK""");
listitem == 1)
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /dm              "PINK"         - "CYAN"Show lists of DM areas \n"sizeof(bigstring));
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /t               "PINK"         - "CYAN"Shows Thelist of teleports \n"sizeof(bigstring));
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /pm              "PINK"         - "CYAN"Send a private message \n"sizeof(bigstring));
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /o               "PINK"         - "CYAN"To Attach Objects to your skin \n"sizeof(bigstring));
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /mymute          "PINK"         - "CYAN"View your mute clock \n"sizeof(bigstring));
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /mutelist        "PINK"         - "CYAN"View list of muted players \n"sizeof(bigstring));
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /settings        "PINK"         - "CYAN"View and change your account preferences \n"sizeof(bigstring));
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /pms                "PINK"         - "CYAN"Toggle PMs \n"sizeof(bigstring));
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /god             "PINK"         - "CYAN"Toggle god mode \n"sizeof(bigstring));
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /givemoney       "PINK"         - "CYAN"Transfer your money to another player \n"sizeof(bigstring));
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /goto            "PINK"         - "CYAN"Teleport to someother player \n"sizeof(bigstring));
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /gos              "PINK"         - "CYAN"Toggle Goto \n"sizeof(bigstring));
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /w               "PINK"         - "CYAN"Change your weapon \n"sizeof(bigstring));
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /color           "PINK"         - "CYAN"Change your nick name colour \n"sizeof(bigstring));
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /report          "PINK"         - "CYAN"Report an hacker/cheater to administrators \n"sizeof(bigstring));
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /admins          "PINK"         - "CYAN"View online administrators \n"sizeof(bigstring));
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /skin            "PINK"         - "CYAN"Change your player skin  \n"sizeof(bigstring));
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /kill            "PINK"         - "CYAN"Suicide yourself \n"sizeof(bigstring));
strcat(bigstring""ORANGE" В•"YELLOW" /para               "PINK"         - "CYAN"Get a parachute \n"sizeof(bigstring));
ShowPlayerDialog(playeridDIALOG_CMDS_PLAYERDIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX""RED"BFE Player Commands"bigstring"OK""");

ehh that would be the collision of dialog ids.

i scripted it in a mess that days never care to optimise and clean the code..too. I will make some optimisations by today itself to that old project...

That shouldn't really matter. The only difference is that the first one gives you access to listitem 5.

Try using:
PHP код:
new bigstring[1655]; 
The maximum length you can have in the max dialog text is 4096. So using a string size of 6000 is unnecessary.

Never really encountered this issue before, but it could possibly be because you're using an array of 6000?

Originally Posted by Threshold
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Never really encountered this issue before, but it could possibly be because you're using an array of 6000?
I think that can be the problem..but i could get dialog on screen on that days...i just did random assumption and gave optimization and pretty printing less priority.. (feeling bad now...)

Don't feel bad about it. If nobody made mistakes, nobody would learn anything.

Originally Posted by Sreyas
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I think that can be the problem..but i could get dialog on screen on that days...i just did random assumption and gave optimization and pretty printing less priority.. (feeling bad now...)
This happens to me too when i see my old scripts i always wanted to kill my self and feel pity about it..

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