28.10.2016, 13:45
Hi. I made the faction system but now im confused in making faction chat. Like im using onplayertext and key '!' to make it. But how do i make the chat different for different factions? Like i don't want all the factions to see the every faction's chat.A type of classification you can say. Enum and createfaction cmd is here.
enum fInfo { FacName[50], FacOwner[20], FacLevels, FacRanks, FacSlots[10] };
CMD:createfaction(playerid, params[]) { if(pInfo[playerid][pLevel] >= 5) { new id,name[50],slot,fac = FacCount; if(sscanf(params,"uis",id,slot,name)) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_ORANGE,"USAGE: /createfaction (playerid) (faction slot) (faction name)"); if(fac >= MAX_FACTIONS) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Max faction limit reached!"); if(pInfo[id][flevel] == 0) { format(FactionInfo[fac][FacName], 50, "%s", name); format(FactionInfo[fac][FacOwner], 20, "%s", PN(id)); FactionInfo[fac][FacRanks] = 5; FactionInfo[fac][FacLevels] = 10; pInfo[id][flevel] = 10; pInfo[id][frank] = 5; pInfo[id][fname] = name; SaveStatus(id); format(hf,sizeof(hf),"Factions/%i.ini",fac); if(!fexist(hf)) { new INI:fac2 = INI_Open(hf); INI_WriteString(fac2,"Name",FactionInfo[fac][FacName]); INI_WriteString(fac2,"Owner",FactionInfo[fac][FacOwner]); INI_WriteInt(fac2,"Ranks",FactionInfo[fac][FacRanks]); INI_WriteInt(fac2,"Levels",FactionInfo[fac][FacLevels]); INI_Close(fac2); } new string[120]; format(string,sizeof(string),"You created a faction for %s with name %s.",PN(id),name); SCM(playerid,COLOR_YELLOW,string); format(string,sizeof(string),"Administrator %s has created a faction for you with name %s.",PN(playerid),name); SCM(id,COLOR_YELLOW,string); FacCount++; } } return 1; }