Killing false timers


I have some timer with false that will be complete only once. And i have variable where i write that timer id. So when timer completes, i make that variable = -1, so that timer is disappear when it calls in public end?

If you set repeating to false (or 0), it will not run a second time. You will have to set the variable to -1 yourself, but the timer is automatically destroyed.

Yes, i set variable in public inside, but i need know deeper when timer id is destroyed, because i have like that

if( variablettimer != -1 )
KillTimer(  variablettimer);
 variablettimer = -1;
So this can kill new timer, if it instantly get created and it ID match with variablettimer

No need, timer IDs are always unique, and the initial value doesn't reset on gmx.

Setting the variable to -1 will do nothing, timers that aren't set to repeat run once and get killed. Use KillTimer to stop timers at any time, mostly for timers that repeat.

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