Just a question

Hey guys i have a gamemode without bugs or errors but i had a problem now i just compiled and uploaded to host and restart from gamecpanel , when i use command:attack is activating but in the same time it says "this command don't exist, please contact a support" can some1 say why ? i did not change something is the same gamemode from yesterday i just recompiled again didn't change nothing includes or something else , none

You must return 1; to handle the command, else it will say "Unknown Command"

yea i have on that command return 1; like i said now is working , after i recompile , upload on host then Restart is working but saying in the same time "this command don't exist, please contact a support"

Search for that message and post that part here.

Perhaps show us a cmd?

It happens sometimes when your command is crashing. Load up crashdetect and check the log.

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