DestroyCar alternatives?


I am doing a Vehicle System using MySQL. Everything goes fine but now, I have a little problem. When I store my car I use DestroyVehicle() function. When I respawn it the ID of the car changes because I don't have only one car. Is any possibilities to keep the ID on the server? Because I have an ID of MySQL from where I select the car to spawn, and it spawns ok (model, owner, colors, etc.) but if the Id in-game changes, then another commands like /respawncar [id] will not work propertly because they are calling the new car located at this id.

Anyone knows how can I "hide" the car keeping the ID? Or a good vehicle fs script based on MySQL? I've searched but all the scripts are so buggy.

Lot of thanks!

Vehicleids are never to be stored in the database because they are volatile. The id in the database is merely there to uniquely identify the row; it's not the same as the in-game vehicleid nor is it supposed to have any other intrinsic value. You must store the id of the row inside a variable upon a vehicle's creation so you can cross-reference the in-game vehicleid with the rowid later.

That's what I have. I have an auto_increment row and then, a carid row, this carid row it's equal to the id auto_increment row. I fetch the data using VehicleSystem[i][carid] (where i, is a for loop, for example). But what happens when the ID in samp change? How I can do it?

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