31.08.2016, 19:21
I do this code for spawn car for each player when he spawn. The problem is that function getting weird. I know that because im testing my function by using simple print and that what i see is the problem with the while loop function and the 1 dimension of array a dont know why this function cant pass through 2d array. I can add that this function is run by global timer on gamemodeinit and it run once after few sec. MAX_PRIVATE_CARS_NO_PREMIUM have int size 2. Sorry for my bad english and thanks for help
SpawnCarForPlayer(pID) { new query[256], PlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME+1], Vehicle[MAX_PRIVATE_CARS_NO_PREMIUM][VEHICLES], rows, VehID, i; GetPlayerName(pID, PlayerName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME+1); format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM vehicles WHERE owner='%s'", PlayerName); mysql_query(query); i = 1; rows = 0; mysql_store_result(); rows = mysql_affected_rows(); if(rows > 0) { while(mysql_fetch_row(query, "|")) { sscanf(query, "p<|>dds[25]dffffdd", Vehicle[i][DBVID], Vehicle[i][VUID], Vehicle[i][VOwner], Vehicle[i][VModel], Vehicle[i][VPos_x], Vehicle[i][VPos_y], Vehicle[i][VPos_z], Vehicle[i][VPos_angle], Vehicle[i][VColor1], Vehicle[i][VColor2]); i++; } } mysql_free_result(); if(rows == 0) return 1; for(new j = 1; j < MAX_PRIVATE_CARS_NO_PREMIUM; j++) { VehID = CreateVehicle(Vehicle[j][VModel], Vehicle[j][VPos_x], Vehicle[j][VPos_y], Vehicle[j][VPos_z], Vehicle[j][VPos_angle], Vehicle[j][VColor1], Vehicle[j][VColor2], -1, 0); SetVehicleParamsEx(VehID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE vehicles SET VUID='%d' WHERE owner='%s' AND id='%d'", VehID, PlayerName, Vehicle[j][DBVID]); mysql_query(query); for(new k = 1; k < MAX_VEHICLES; k++) { if(pVeh[k][VUID] == 0) { pVeh[k][VUID] = VehID; format(pVeh[k][VOwner], MAX_PLAYER_NAME+1, "%s", Vehicle[j][VOwner]); pVeh[k][VModel] = Vehicle[j][VModel]; pVeh[k][VPos_x] = Vehicle[j][VPos_x]; pVeh[k][VPos_y] = Vehicle[j][VPos_y]; pVeh[k][VPos_z] = Vehicle[j][VPos_z]; pVeh[k][VPos_angle] = Vehicle[j][VPos_angle]; pVeh[k][VColor1] = Vehicle[j][VColor1]; pVeh[k][VColor2] = Vehicle[j][VColor2]; break; } } } for(new k = 0; k < MAX_VEHICLES; k++) { if(pVeh[k][VUID] != 0) { printf("%s", pVeh[k][VOwner]); } } return 1; }