2 Issues Compiler and Script problem.

I have 2 issues, First my compiler won't fully compile the AMX to the full size, When my mate compiles the script it has a size of 3.5mb but when I compile the script it has a size of 456,000kb.

The script issue is that the dialog won't show.

//Dialog part to show my dialog that ain't showing
case 2:
			            CallRemoteFunction("PrintCorpInv", "i", playerid);

//function to show dialog
forward PrintCorpInv(playerid);
public PrintCorpInv(playerid)
	new result[2048];


    new found, foundid;
    for(new o = 0; o < sizeof(CorpInfo); o++)
    	if(CorpInfo[o][cUsed] == 1 && found == 0)
      		if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.0, CorpInfo[foundid][cX], CorpInfo[foundid][cY], CorpInfo[foundid][cZ]))
           		foundid = o;

    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_INV_SLOTS; i++) {
			case 0:
				format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n{5F5F5F}%d: EMPTY SLOT", result, i + 1);
			case 22 .. 38:
				if(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvQ][i] == 0) { format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s {FF3333}(EMPTY)", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i])); }
				else { format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s {33FF66}(%d){FFFFFF}:{33FF66}[%s]", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i]), CorpInfo[foundid][cInvQ][i], PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvEx][i])); }
			case 100 .. 199:
				format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s {33FF66}(%d)", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i]), CorpInfo[foundid][cInvQ][i]);
				format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s {33FF66}(%dlbs)", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i]), CorpInfo[foundid][cInvEx][i]);
			case 500 .. 549:
				format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s {33FF66}(%d)", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i]), CorpInfo[foundid][cInvQ][i]);
			case 1000 .. 1001:
				format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s {33FF66}(%d)", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i]), CorpInfo[foundid][cInvQ][i]);
			case 1008:
				if(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvQ][i] > 0) {
					format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s [%s{FFFFFF}]{33FF66} (%dL)", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i]), FuelName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvEx][i]), CorpInfo[foundid][cInvQ][i]);
				} else format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s [{BF0127}Empty{FFFFFF}]", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i]));
			case 1050 .. 1100:
				format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s {33FF66}(%d)", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i]), CorpInfo[foundid][cInvQ][i]);
				format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i]));
	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 808, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Corpse Inventory", result, "Select", "Close");
	return true;
It compiles with no errors or warnings just doesn't show dialog.

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