How to stop a Teleport?

Hello, I've a Deathmatch server, there so many players use teleport commands to Avoid death when they reach at piss health. i just want to know that how can i make a system? that when player is fighting, the teleport command (eg: /drylake) should not work for him/her.

When player health will less that 20 it will Send him Message "ou Can't Leave The DeathMatch because you have less that 20 Health" and about 70% is taken from Wiki
    new Float:health;
    if (health > 20.0)
	SendClientMessage(playerid,-1, "You Can't Leave The DeathMatch because you have less that 20 Health");
	return 1;

danish i sugget onplayertakedamage .. if player take damage ,, cannot teleport it will be more awsome..

Originally Posted by JuzDoiT
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danish i sugget onplayertakedamage .. if player take damage ,, cannot teleport it will be more awsome..
That will be a flop system. OnPlayerTakeDamage would occur once the player would get shot (shot in this case as it's a deathmatch), and he told to disable teleportation while player is suffering the last few remaining HP, that would not work.

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