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Joined: Apr 2016
When i successfully ( /buybiz ) the business and when i relog i lost it seems like deleted/removed but the name is still mine.
Codes. Perhaps the /createbiz and /buybiz and did u save it onplayerdisconnect?
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Joined: Apr 2016
Well i am new to this so can you show me some example so i can find it?
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Show your commands and your saving system. Use [*php] [/php*] (without *) to put your code.
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Joined: Apr 2016
This is from the log
[00:30:42] [zcmd] [John Janta]: /buybiz
[00:30:42] [business] saved 0
[00:30:42] [MySQL] Query Error - (ErrorID: 1054) (Handle: 1)
[00:30:42] [MySQL] Check mysql_log.txt to review the query that threw the error.
[00:30:42] Dumping query from 2016/7/12 (0:30:42)
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There's an issue with the mysql query you're sending to save the business.
Show your mysql syntax that's called when you buy/save the business.