RemovePlayerForBuilding/Removing Interior Objects.

I'm using the MAP Editor pinned in the Tools section.

I can't see any interior objects, I'm not sure if this is due to the fact I've deleted them before but I can't find any files, I've reinstalled GTA and SAMP and the Editor and I still can't see the objects. I'm trying to remove all objects from interiors so I can implement the furniture system.

Could anyone assist me?

I'd even consider paying for someone to remove them for me.

The mission script places objects ad random in burglary houses. They don't show up in map editors because they aren't part of the standard map.

That makes sense.

How do I remove objects from the interiors?

I think you cannot, you can just copy the interior and move it abit then u has the interior without any object.

I am not sure about all objects but you can very successfully remove vending machines from interior so i guess you can do RemoveBuildingForPlayer for those objects as well.

In your case if you don't know the location exactly, you can simple get a rough idea and increase the radius to gather more area of removal.

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