Whirlpool Hash Problem [SAMP/PHP]

So I am currently facing the issue of helping someone that has a saltpot on his hashed passwords however a part of this saltpot does not convert into whirlpool hash the same way as a PHP whirlpool hash see:

String that is hashed: 

Hashed value:
SAMP Whirlpool:
String that is hashed: 

Hashed value:
I tried removing each character seperately on the php side to see if maybe one of the characters are not supported on the samp plugin but it always hashes differently, Does anyone know how I can get both of these identical strings hashed to the same value?

Maybe two characters are not supported?

PS. I just tried one character at a time and as soon as the character
gets added it goes wrong and im pretty sure that with other characters it does the same, Just need to find out what SAMP Whirlpool gives as value for these characters I already tried the ASCII value

******'s Whirlpool plugin is a legit whirlpool algorithm. This situation just shows that it doesn't support all characters.

The source is around here somewhere...

Originally Posted by Crayder
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******'s Whirlpool plugin is a legit whirlpool algorithm. This situation just shows that it doesn't support all characters.

The source is around here somewhere...
Alright so it seems that I have replace their password with an easier saltpot'ed one on login.

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