Problems with CP..

Hello guys, so i have a script where i create a checkpoint, go into it and then another checkpoint should appear. That works fine, but when i go into the second one, the first one should appear again and it just doesnt.. The second checkpoint doest, even react for some reason...

Heres OnDynamicEnterCP:

if(checkpointid == PastoPakrovimoCP[playerid])
	    new Float:x, Float:y;
	    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Nuneskite deze i masina.");
	    ZaidejoPakrovimoCP[playerid] = 2;
	    GetXYInFrontOfVehicle(PastininkoMasina[playerid],x, y, 3);
    	PastoPakrovimoCP2[playerid] = CreateDynamicCP( x,y,16.1953, 1.50, -1, -1, -1, 70.0);
    if(checkpointid == PastoPakrovimoCP2[playerid])
	    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Nueikite paimti deze.");
	    ZaidejoPakrovimoCP[playerid] = 1;
	    PastoPakrovimoCP[playerid] = CreateDynamicCP( 160.0599,-22.4180,1.5781, 1.50, -1, -1, -1, 90.0);
I first create PastoPakrovimoCP, go into that one everythings fine. The PastoPrakrovimoCP2 gets created, i go into that one and no reaction.. Anyone know what the issue could be? Im going out of my mind..

PHP код:
if(PastoPakrovimoCP[playerid] == true //I thing you Can Make this 
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_RED"Nuneskite deze i masina.");
ZaidejoPakrovimoCP[playerid] = 2;
PastoPakrovimoCP2[playerid] = true// to make Work PastoPakrovimoCP2 Work
PastoPakrovimoCP2[playerid] = CreateDynamicCPx,y,16.19531.50, -1, -1, -170.0);
PHP код:
    if(PastoPakrovimoCP2[playerid] == true//
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_RED"Nueikite paimti deze.");
ZaidejoPakrovimoCP[playerid] = 1;
PastoPakrovimoCP[playerid] = CreateDynamicCP160.0599,-22.4180,1.57811.50, -1, -1, -190.0);
I Thing your ERROR From Callbacks or etc .. I Not Sure about this, But You can try

But my other dynamiccheckpoint work fine, when i check checkpointid.. I can try this, but i dont this this is going to help. Before this i was checking: ZaidejoPakrovimoCP[playerid], if it was 1 or 2. The problem was the same, first checkpoint worked when i walked in it, created second one. But the seconds one had no reaction on walk in, did not send text or create the first checkpoint...

Sorry for posting again, but i found the issue. The Z coordinate, was wrong for that specific checkpoint lol i put a random number in there, thats why it did not work. Thanks for helping, tho.

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