12.02.2016, 00:40
To tentando usar um sistema que usa MySql, mas ao tentar ligar o server recebo no log essa mensagem "Failed MySql connection"
como resolver?
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
print(" Login and Registration system ");
print(" All rights reserved ");
print(" Made by: Cleyson Stein");
Connection = mysql_connect(Host, Usuario, DataBase, Senha);
mysql_query(Connection, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Account`(`ID`int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `Name` varchar(24) NOT NULL, `Password` varchar(129) NOT NULL, `Email` varchar(129) NOT NULL, `Admin` int(11) NOT NULL, `Sex` int(11) NOT NULL, `Age` int(11) NOT NULL, `Score` int(11) NOT NULL, `Money` int(11) NOT NULL, `Skin` int(11) NOT NULL, `Kill` int(11) NOT NULL, `Death` int(11) NOT NULL)", false);
if(mysql_errno(Connection) != 0)
print("Failed MySql connection");
print("Success in MySql connection");