strcmp B don't count as 'b' small ?

for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(VehicleInfo); i++)
if(strcmp(GetName(playerid), VehicleInfo[i][vOwner], true) == 0)

Ok so a player on my server today had a problem.

When he connected with the name bobby = The server doesen't let him acces the car.

When he connected with the name Bobby (The original name he had when he registered the car) the server did.

How can i make the STRCMP to take small letters & big letters?

You need to unset sensitive case.


If you compare them with case ignoring, then you might have a problem somewhere else!

BTW, I personally use unique player ids...

Any other ideas , please? I'm waiting!

PHP код:
if(!strcmp(GetName(playerid),  VehicleInfo[i][vOwner], true))
//your code here

//edit - Passed some infos before

Try to replicate it with your own account, to see if its acually the case why it doesnt let him use them

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