Server crashing "(... <26 arguments>)at <unknown file>:0"

SA:MP server is crashing when a specific player logs in and server reads his variables from MySQL database. It happens only to few players.

Crashdetect log:
[01:17:39] [debug] Server crashed while executing DevMode.amx
[01:17:39] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[01:17:39] [debug] #0 00000076 in ?? (... <26 arguments>) at <unknown file>:0
[01:17:39] [debug] #1 00000076 in public OnQueryFinish () at <unknown file>:0
Anybody knows why is this happening?

Corrupted user data, a.k.a some data field isnt what it suppose to be, often happens when invalid data is being saved.
Check each field in his row in mysql, to be sure its all fine there, and then go to find what caused that invalid saving.

I think I found the bug. I called "SELECT" to get players IP from DB but I used integrer instead of string. That's probably it.

Nope, not fixed. Can you be more specific ikey07

Still need help.

Make sure you have added all plugins needed in server.cfg

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