CreateObject or CreateDynamicObject ?

SA-MP.COM Hello !

I would like to ask of you is best in terms of quality and script ? CreateObject or CreateDynamicObject ?

Sorry for my bad english..

If I remember correct, CreateDynamicObject are used for steamers.

So I understand that CreateObject is better?

CreateObject will never dissapear from the server, but CreateDynamicObject will dissapear if you walk away and appear if you aproach it, CreateObject has a maximum number like 1000 objects I think, but CreateDynamicObject is unlimited.

I recommend you to use CreateDynamicObject for mapping things that won't move and use CreateObject for gates/doors, thats what I do, you can use DynamicObject for gates too.


CreateObject for custom interiors as if you enter an interior and it isn't streaming in fast enough with CreateDynamicObject you or the player will fall through the map.

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