Lil problem with if

Alright so the problem is simple

1. It allows you to unlock vehicles that have faction ID: 0
2. Doesnt allow you to unlock vehicles that are above Faction 0 eventho if your faction ID is the same

PHP код:
if(VehInfo[somecar][VehFaction] != && VehInfo[somecar][VehFaction] == AccInfo[playerid][PlayerFaction] ||
VehInfo[somecar][VehFaction] == 0
IE: what should it work as? You can unlock your own cars & cars that have Faction ID:0 (works), and if you are part of faction ID:1 for example, you will be able to unlock faction cars that have same faction ID as yours (Faction ID's start from 1)

It'll have something to do with the mixing of && and || on an if statement.

Maybe try breaking them up a bit.

if((VehInfo[somecar][VehFaction] != 0 && VehInfo[somecar][VehFaction] == AccInfo[playerid][PlayerFaction])|| VehInfo[somecar][VehFaction] == 0)

Not saying it'll work in the slightest, but it's always trouble with && and ||. You have to get that crap all perfect.

Another test maybe, is to make, before the if statement, a debug printf to the log, showing what the values actually are, when you are using this.

Use format, to make a string, and print the whole line out using printf.

Could also be beneficial to do individual if statements, if this won't work.

Ive got an idea,ill see, one sec

EDIT: Fixed ty vm!!

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