How did you learn scripting?

Two years ago I was so curious how a server samp is made and I was trying to find out, I've been admin on few servers then decided to make my own server, got a host somehow, dunno how and downloaded a gamemode, edited just the name of it and started it, had like 15 players then I closed the server due to bugs.
Watched a video on ******* about every line in a blank gamemode, there is how I learned what SendClientMessage is xD and I've made my first message on connect.

Few months ago I built a small DM gamemode without register because I couldn't create one, after that a guy said he will make one for me, I gave him the GM and I never saw him since then.

I kept trying and asking on samp, learning tutorials and today I am able to make my own gamemode, I am a scripter on a romanian hard roleplay server and I love what I do than just downloading gamemodes, I do my own thing and I do it unique, I know whats in it and I know how to handle it.

by stealing scripts -dugi

If you do a quick search you'll see that people have already answered that question in countless topics.
2 ways go do this: Either take a script, gm or not and modify it, or learn to understand how scripts work and start by doing small work, easy scripts.
You and I started by doing small work. Other people did it the other way. And none of these is better than the other, it's a matter of "taste".

Well. I learnt scripting by leaving the comfort zone.

taking gamemodes/filterscripts and see the code and re-creating it piece by piece.
Though i never made my own gm

I never learned from tutorials unless it was something specific (function syntax or usage). Mostly by code snippets and things like that, released gamemodes etc.

Editing created scripts

Originally Posted by adri1
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Editing created scripts

OT:By reading the tutorials

Editing leaked script.

still trynna learn bruh

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