Please help.. showplayerdialog

The original payday command
public PayDay()
	new string[128];
	new account,interest;
	new rent = 0;
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		    if(PlayerInfo[i][pLevel] > 0)
				    SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW, "Nu ti-ai platit datoriile asa ca esti dat in cautare.");
				    GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~Arestat!", 2000, 1);
				    //Var[WantedLevel][playerid] = 1;
				    //SetPlayerInterior(i, 6);
			   		//SetPlayerPos(i, 264.6288,77.5742,1001.0391);
		            //PlayerInfo[i][pJailed] = 1;
					Var[WantedLevel][i] = 1;
					//PlayerInfo[i][pJailTime] = 240;
					//format(string, sizeof(string), "Ai primit wanted %d, pentru ca nu ai platit datoriile.", Var[WantedLevel][i]);
					SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW, "Ai primit wanted (1), pentru ca nu ai platit datoriile.");
				new playername2[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
				GetPlayerName(i, playername2, sizeof(playername2));
				account = PlayerInfo[i][pAccount];
				new key = PlayerInfo[i][pPhousekey];
				if(key != 255)
					rent = HouseInfo[key][hRent];
					if(strcmp(playername2, HouseInfo[key][hOwner], true) == 0)
						rent = 0;
					else if(rent > GetPlayerMoney(i))
						PlayerInfo[i][pPhousekey] = 255;
						SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, "Ai fost dat afara din casa.");
						rent = 0;
					HouseInfo[key][hMoney] = HouseInfo[key][hMoney]+rent;
				new tmpintrate;
				if (key != 255 && strcmp(playername2, HouseInfo[key][hOwner], true) == 0)
				    if(PlayerInfo[i][pDonateRank] > 0) { tmpintrate = intrate+4; }
					else { tmpintrate = intrate+2; }//HouseInfo[key][hLevel]
				    if(PlayerInfo[i][pDonateRank] > 0) { tmpintrate = 3; }
					else { tmpintrate = 1; }
			    Tax += TaxValue;//Should work for every player online
			    PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] -= TaxValue;
			    if(PlayerInfo[i][pDonateRank] > 0)
				    new bonus = PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] / 2;
				    PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += bonus;
				new checks = PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck]/2;
			    new ebill = (PlayerInfo[i][pAccount]/200000)*(PlayerInfo[i][pLevel]);
			    Var[ConsumingMoney][i] = 1;
			    GivePlayerMoney(i, checks);
			    if(PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] > 0)
			    	PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] -= ebill;
			    	SBizzInfo[4][sbTill] += ebill;
				    ebill = 0;
				interest = (PlayerInfo[i][pAccount]/1000)*(tmpintrate);
				PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] = account+interest;
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "---------Cont Bancar----------");
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW, "SMS de la 521: Buna ziua, contul dumneavoastra bancar a fost actualizat, va asteptam cu un SMS pentru informatii.");
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "(Tasteaza "COL_WHITE"/paydaycheck "COL_YELLOW"pentru informatii legate de payday.)");
				PaydayDa[i] = 1;
				//format(string, sizeof(string), "  Paycheck: $%d   Tax Money: -$%d", checks, TaxValue);
				//SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, string);

				if(PlayerInfo[i][pPhousekey] != 255 || PlayerInfo[i][pPbiskey] != 255)
				    SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW, "Facturi");
				    format(string, sizeof(string), "  Factura electricitate: -$%d", ebill);
					SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, string);
				//format(string, sizeof(string), "  Balance: $%d", account);
				//SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, string);
				//format(string, sizeof(string), "  Interest Rate: 0.%d percent",tmpintrate);
				//SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, string);
				//format(string, sizeof(string), "  Interest Gained $%d", interest);
				//SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, string);
				//SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GREEN, "|--------------------------------------|");
				//format(string, sizeof(string), "  New Balance: $%d", PlayerInfo[i][pAccount]);
				//SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, string);
				//format(string, sizeof(string), "  Rent: -$%d", rent);
				//SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, string);
				format(string, sizeof(string), "~y~PayDay~n~~w~Paycheck");
				GameTextForPlayer(i, string, 5000, 1);
				rent = 0;
				RobBankOn = 0;
                RobBankOn1 = 0;
				PlayerInfo[i][pRobbed] = 0;
				PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] = 0;
				PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] = 0;
				PlayerInfo[i][pConnectTime] += 1;
				PlayerInfo[i][pContractTime] += 2;
				if(PlayerInfo[i][pVip] >= 1) PlayerInfo [i] [pExp] += 1 ;
	return 1;
The command made by me
if(strcmp(cmd, "/paydaycheck",true) == 0)
	    new string[128];
		new account, interest;
		new tmpintrate;
		new rent = 0;
		//for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		new key = PlayerInfo[playerid][pPhousekey];
		new sendername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
		GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
		if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pPhousekey] != 255 && strcmp(sendername, HouseInfo[key][hOwner], true) == 0)
  			if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pDonateRank] > 0) { tmpintrate = intrate+4; }
			else { tmpintrate = intrate+2; }//HouseInfo[key][hLevel]
  			if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pDonateRank] > 0) { tmpintrate = 3; }
			else { tmpintrate = 1; }
	    if(PaydayDa[playerid] == 1)
	        new checks = PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayCheck]/2;
	        account = PlayerInfo[playerid][pAccount];
	        interest = (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAccount]/1000)*(tmpintrate);
	        PlayerInfo[playerid][pAccount] = account+interest;
	        format(string, sizeof(string), "  Salariu: $%d | Taxa: -$%d \nRent: -%d \nRata Interes Bancar: 0.%d | Interes Bancar: %d\n\n\n   Balanta Veche\n   %d \n\n\n   Balanta Noua: %d", checks, TaxValue, rent, tmpintrate, interest, account, PlayerInfo[playerid][pAccount]);
	        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_PAYDAY, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "PAYDAY", string, "OK", "Inchide");
		else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Nu ai primit payday-ul inca.");
		return 1;
What I want to do is the player will get the payday and set him that he got the payday PaydayDa[i] = 1; alright.

And when he type the command, the informations will show /paydaycheck but here is the problem, it don't show the right amounts, at "Salariu" it show 2 or 1 or 0.. and I'm not sure about others.

Gamemode RedzMax?

Nu cred ca e redzmax, dar stii sa repari aia?
Il am de la cineva.


I don't think it is Redzmax, do you know to fix that?
I got it from someone.

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