23.10.2015, 22:56
I'm trying to get a string, and pull it into several variables. The string I'm using is:
The following code:
I want it to produce the following:
What I get is:
Why do I only get 1? Instead of the correct modelID?
10379, -2699.87451, 374.68600, 12.71875, 356.85840, 0.00000, 3.14159
if(sscanf(stringBuffer, "p<,>dffffffD(-1)D(-1)D(-1)F(300.0)", modelID, ox, oy, oz, orx, ory, orz, worldID, interiorID, playerid, streamdistance) != -1){ CreateDynamicObject(modelID, ox, oy, oz, orx, ory, orz, worldID, interiorID, playerid, streamdistance); printf("(Create) modelID: %d | ox: %f | oy: %f | oz: %f", modelID, ox, oy, oz); LOADED_OBJECT_COUNT++; }
"(Create) modelID: 10379 | ox: -2699.874511 | oy: 374.686004 | oz: 12.718750
"(Create) modelID: 1 | ox: -2699.874511 | oy: 374.686004 | oz: 12.718750