GangZones stretching

So I tried to create some gangzones and ... I used MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY.
When I check in-game this weird sized turf appears when I move the camera in different angles.
Anyone knows a fix?


I used /save at one point. Then I moved diagonally to the second point and hit save here as well.
I think I might have added the wrong values in the wrong spots :/

AddPlayerClass(107,798.7864,-1149.9263,23.9554,341.8095,0,0,0,0,0,0); // Min1
AddPlayerClass(107,946.9030,-1318.4242,13.3906,9.0730,0,0,0,0,0,0); // Max2
I took the first 2 values in Min 1 and the first 2 values in Max2.

This is how it looks when I added the values in my gangzones.

798.7864,-1149.9263,946.9030,-1318.4242 // Yellow GangZone
985.7864,-1149.9263,1133.9030,-1318.4242 // Black GangZone
I'm trying to make the gangzones line up next to each others. So I only edited the X-values, and left the Y-ones the same.

EDIT: I think this is a similar problem

I made the turfs line properly now, but I still get this warping/flickering/stretching kinda thing. It annoys me, and it ruins the whole turf system. I also crashed because of it lol

Weird. I think I got it right. But are this all the codes for them? If not, post the whole code as it would be easier to help.

Maybe it is because of your map mod?.

Glitching like that occurs when the parameters are in the wrong order. It's supposed to be minx, miny, maxx, maxy. -1318.4242 is smaller than -1149.9263 and thus must come first.

I was thinking about this today and I just checked my code. The error occurs because the minY is larger than the maxY value. This causes the stretching.

Just like Vince replied. Thanks.

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