21.08.2015, 16:42
Hey guys!
I need some help with the current tutorial in my script. I tried to edit the co-ordinates as the gamemode map has moved from Los Santos to Red County, but it did not work at all and just bugged it out I guess!
If someone could help me with correcting the co-ordinates so they display on the game players screen I'd appreciate it a lot! Feel free to PM, message me on skype or on our forums!
Also looking for a scripter to join our community! Feel free to enquire, happy to have any form of assistance :]
The current lines are as followed:
I need some help with the current tutorial in my script. I tried to edit the co-ordinates as the gamemode map has moved from Los Santos to Red County, but it did not work at all and just bugged it out I guess!
If someone could help me with correcting the co-ordinates so they display on the game players screen I'd appreciate it a lot! Feel free to PM, message me on skype or on our forums!
Also looking for a scripter to join our community! Feel free to enquire, happy to have any form of assistance :]
The current lines are as followed:
forward PlayerCheck(); public PlayerCheck() { static str[128], Float:health, id = -1; TotalledCheck(); RestartCheck(); foreach (new i : Player) { if (!PlayerData[i][pLogged] && !PlayerData[i][pCharacter]) continue; if (PlayerData[i][pTutorial] > 0) { PlayerData[i][pTutorialTime]--; if (PlayerData[i][pTutorialTime] < 1) { switch (PlayerData[i][pTutorial]) { case 1: { PlayerData[i][pTutorial] = 2; PlayerData[i][pTutorialTime] = 10; PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][59], "Tutorial: Driving School"); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][60], "This is the ~g~~h~Driving School~w~. You can take your~n~driving test here. To pass the test, you must~n~avoid the obstacles."); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][61], "A driving license is required to legally drive in~n~this state. Driving recklessly or without a~n~license will alert the police!"); #if SERVER_CITY == 1 SetPlayerPos(i, 1967.677978, -1991.190795, -3.260505); InterpolateCameraPos(i, 1642.303344, -2327.007568, 15.672925, 1967.677978, -1991.190795, 16.739494, 2000); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, 1642.292968, -2327.523193, 15.546875, 1968.177246, -1991.205078, 16.651542, 2000); #elseif SERVER_CITY == 2 SetPlayerPos(i, -2026.765991, -84.237663, 21.766628); InterpolateCameraPos(i, -2399.519287, 321.964355, 37.035743, -2026.765991, -84.237663, 41.766628, 2000); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, -2399.951416, 322.215942, 37.015625, -2026.787597, -84.917533, 41.520622, 2000); #elseif SERVER_CITY == 3 SetPlayerPos(i, 1168.088500, 1381.582641, -3.185750); InterpolateCameraPos(i, 1711.642089, 1448.227294, 13.340233, 1168.088500, 1381.582641, 16.814249, 2000); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, 1711.144897, 1448.224365, 13.289665, 1168.084472, 1381.082641, 16.674325, 2000); #endif } case 2: { PlayerData[i][pTutorial] = 3; PlayerData[i][pTutorialTime] = 10; PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][59], "Tutorial: Dealership"); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][60], "This is the ~g~~h~Dealership~w~. You can purchase any~n~private owned vehicle for yourself, for a~n~certain price."); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][61], "Please remember to ~b~~h~/park~w~ your vehicle! Your~n~vehicle will be impounded if it's not parked~n~correctly."); #if SERVER_CITY == 1 SetPlayerPos(i, 546.784729, -1256.438354, 15.406070); InterpolateCameraPos(i, 1967.677978, -1991.190795, 16.739494, 546.784729, -1256.438354, 35.406070, 2000); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, 1968.177246, -1991.205078, 16.651542, 546.749816, -1256.937133, 35.216030, 2000); #elseif SERVER_CITY == 2 SetPlayerPos(i, -2006.275146, 287.903869, 28.095851); InterpolateCameraPos(i, -2026.765991, -84.237663, 41.766628, -2006.275146, 287.903869, 48.095851, 2000); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, -2026.787597, -84.917533, 41.520622, -2005.739257, 287.892669, 47.936939, 2000); #elseif SERVER_CITY == 3 SetPlayerPos(i, 1635.780761, 1828.321289, 5.649860); InterpolateCameraPos(i, 1168.088500, 1381.582641, 16.814249, 1635.780761, 1828.321289, 25.649860, 2000); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, 1168.084472, 1381.082641, 16.674325, 1636.280517, 1828.325683, 25.5048842, 2000); #endif } case 3: { PlayerData[i][pTutorial] = 4; PlayerData[i][pTutorialTime] = 10; PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][59], "Tutorial: Jobs"); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][60], "There are a wide variety of jobs around the~n~city to choose from, this one being the~n~~r~~h~Courier~w~ job."); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][61], "There are many more jobs that will bring in~n~the income. Use ~g~~h~/joblist~w~ to find your preferred~n~job!"); #if SERVER_CITY == 1 SetPlayerPos(i, 2420.203857, -2089.423095, -1.058326); InterpolateCameraPos(i, 556.450866, -1260.044677, 20.433259, 2420.203857, -2089.423095, 18.941673, 2000); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, 556.276916, -1260.619628, 20.427263, 2420.703613, -2089.426269, 18.879707, 2000); #elseif SERVER_CITY == 2 SetPlayerPos(i, -1683.220336, -7.236631, -4.830643); InterpolateCameraPos(i, -2006.275146, 287.903869, 48.095851, -1683.220336, -7.236631, 15.169356, 2000); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, -2005.739257, 287.892669, 47.936939, -1682.866577, -6.893327, 15.087323, 2000); #elseif SERVER_CITY == 3 SetPlayerPos(i, 1012.894348, 2137.586425, -4.546604); InterpolateCameraPos(i, 1635.780761, 1828.321289, 25.649860, 1012.894348, 2137.586425, 15.453395, 2000); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, 1636.280517, 1828.325683, 25.504884, 1013.393859, 2137.540283, 15.364944, 2000); #endif } case 4: { PlayerData[i][pTutorial] = 5; PlayerData[i][pTutorialTime] = 10; PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][59], "Tutorial: Real Estate"); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][60], "There are many real estate opportunities in~n~San Andreas. To purchase a house, type ~g~~h~/buy~n~~w~near the house icon."); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][61], "You can also purchase furniture and store your~n~goods inside your house. Type ~g~~h~/help~w~ for a list~n~of house commands."); #if SERVER_CITY == 1 SetPlayerPos(i, 1149.126586, -744.422912, 84.984420); InterpolateCameraPos(i, 2420.203857, -2089.423095, 18.941673, 1149.126586, -744.422912, 104.984420, 2000); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, 2420.703613, -2089.426269, 18.879707, 1148.626708, -744.411132, 104.823509, 2000); #elseif SERVER_CITY == 2 SetPlayerPos(i, -2507.954101, 1125.971801, 44.563232); InterpolateCameraPos(i, 1683.220336, -7.236631, 15.169356, -2507.954101, 1125.971801, 64.563232, 2000); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, -1682.866577, -6.893327, 15.087323, -2507.928710, 1126.796386, 64.145462, 2000); #elseif SERVER_CITY == 3 SetPlayerPos(i, 1380.143676, 2532.807373, -2.440540); InterpolateCameraPos(i, 1012.894348, 2137.586425, 15.453395, 1380.143676, 2532.807373, 17.559459, 2000); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, 1013.393859, 2137.540283, 15.364944, 1380.643676, 2532.810302, 17.450519, 2000); #endif } case 5: { PlayerData[i][pTutorial] = 6; PlayerData[i][pTutorialTime] = 10; PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][59], "Tutorial: Businesses"); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][60], "Businesses are also a way to bring in income.~n~You can adjust your business assets, including~n~the prices and a custom message.");//and even~n~hire employees to work for you!"); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][61], "This business is a ~p~~h~Retail Store~w~. You can buy~n~items using the ~g~~h~/buy~w~ command. Type ~g~~h~/help~n~~w~for more commands."); #if SERVER_CITY == 1 SetPlayerPos(i, 1315.212036, -916.465942, 24.322559); InterpolateCameraPos(i, 1149.126586, -744.422912, 104.984420, 1315.212036, -916.465942, 44.322559, 2000); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, 1148.626708, -744.411132, 104.82350, 1315.211059, -915.965942, 44.212619, 2000); #elseif SERVER_CITY == 2 SetPlayerPos(i, -2442.177734, 726.758605, 21.054706); InterpolateCameraPos(i, -2507.954101, 1125.971801, 64.563232, -2442.177734, 726.758605, 41.054706, 2000); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, -2507.928710, 1126.796386, 64.145462, -2442.179931, 727.221496, 40.933773, 2000); #elseif SERVER_CITY == 3 SetPlayerPos(i, 2160.811035, 1992.461425, -1.797470); InterpolateCameraPos(i, 1380.143676, 2532.807373, 17.559459, 2160.811035, 1992.461425, 18.202529, 2000); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, 1380.643676, 2532.810302, 17.450519, 2161.310546, 1992.449707, 18.108432, 2000); #endif } case 6: { PlayerData[i][pTutorial] = 7; PlayerData[i][pTutorialTime] = 10; PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][59], "Tutorial: Hunger and Thirst"); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][60], "Your hunger and thirst meter is shown on~n~the right side of the screen. After a while~n~your character will get hungry."); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][61], "This is a ~y~Fast Food~w~ business. You can purchase~n~food here. Also, you can purchase food and~n~drinks at a ~y~Retail Store."); SetPlayerInterior(i, 10); SetPlayerPos(i, 365.013977, -73.615165, 983.073730); SetPlayerCameraPos(i, 365.013977, -73.615165, 1003.073730); SetPlayerCameraLookAt(i, 365.426818, -73.318977, 1003.007812); } case 7: { PlayerData[i][pTutorial] = 8; PlayerData[i][pTutorialTime] = 10; SetPlayerInterior(i, 0); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][59], "Tutorial: Conclusion"); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][60], "This tutorial is now finished. Remember, if you~n~need any assistance, use the ~g~~h~/seekhelp~n~~w~command and wait patiently."); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][61], "Prosperity Gaming wishes to thank you for~n~playing at our server! You will spawn in a~n~moment."); #if SERVER_CITY == 1 SetPlayerPos(i, 1226.481567, -1144.220336, 31.174240); InterpolateCameraPos(i, 1202.077392, -929.400634, 47.784023, 1226.481567, -1144.220336, 51.174240, 2000); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, 1202.008300, -928.905456, 47.673583, 1225.981567, -1144.216186, 51.160247, 2000); #elseif SERVER_CITY == 2 SetPlayerPos(i, -2016.094970, -306.215942, 55.449806); InterpolateCameraPos(i, -2336.783935, -187.118865, 44.045051, -2016.094970, -306.215942, 75.449806, 2000); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, -2336.785400, -186.618865, 43.885139, -2016.088867, -305.735107, 75.390838, 2000); #elseif SERVER_CITY == 3 SetPlayerPos(i, 2115.572753, 2113.175292, 6.203048); InterpolateCameraPos(i, 1871.407104, 2052.714599, 20.308364, 2115.572753, 2113.175292, 26.203048, 2000); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, 1871.404663, 2053.214599, 20.169441, 2115.072753, 2113.184326, 26.153575, 2000); #endif } case 8: { for (new j = 58; j < 62; j ++) { PlayerTextDrawHide(i, PlayerData[i][pTextdraws][j]); } SetDefaultSpawn(i); ShowHungerTextdraw(i, 1); PlayerData[i][pCreated] = 1; PlayerData[i][pTask] = 1; PlayerData[i][pTutorial] = 0; PlayerData[i][pTutorialTime] = 0; SendServerMessage(i, "Type /tasks to view your current tasks to complete."); } } } }