Mysql system wrong text 3d?!

Well , normally an bizz would look like this

But suddently the bizz with id 1 start loading as this:

No pickup and also he text 3d from house!?

I can't understand what is wrong with it .. look this is my house & bizz script loading

I'm having 100 +players , i need to fix it fast.. how is possible something like this happend .. i search all over gamemode and there nothing to be wrong with the text 3d

pawn Код:
public LoadBizz()
    new Cache: Result = mysql_query( mysql, "SELECT * FROM `business`" ), Get[ 2 ];
    cache_get_data( Get[ 0 ], Get[ 1 ], SQL ); // Get[ 0 ] - Rows || Get[ 1 ] - Fields || SQL - connectionHandle
    for(new i = 0; i < Get[0]; i++)

        new IDB =  cache_get_field_content_int( i, "ID", mysql );
        BizzInfo[IDB][bOwned] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "bOwned", mysql );
        BizzInfo[IDB][bRadio] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "bRadio", mysql );
        BizzInfo[IDB][bLevelNeeded] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "bLevelNeeded", mysql );
        BizzInfo[IDB][bBuyPrice] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "bBuyPrice", mysql );
        BizzInfo[IDB][bEntranceCost] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "bEntranceCost", mysql );
        BizzInfo[IDB][bTill] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "bTill", mysql );
        BizzInfo[IDB][bVirtual] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "bVirtual", mysql );
        BizzInfo[IDB][bType] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "bType", mysql );
        BizzInfo[IDB][bLocked] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "bLocked", mysql );
        BizzInfo[IDB][bInterior] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "bInterior", mysql );

        BizzInfo[IDB][bEntranceX] = cache_get_field_content_float( i, "bEntranceX", mysql );
        BizzInfo[IDB][bEntranceY] = cache_get_field_content_float( i, "bEntranceY", mysql );
        BizzInfo[IDB][bEntranceZ] = cache_get_field_content_float( i, "bEntranceZ", mysql );
        BizzInfo[IDB][bExitX] = cache_get_field_content_float( i, "bExitX", mysql );
        BizzInfo[IDB][bExitY] = cache_get_field_content_float( i, "bExitY", mysql );
        BizzInfo[IDB][bExitZ] = cache_get_field_content_float( i, "bExitZ", mysql );

        new string[300];
        cache_get_field_content( i, "bMessage", BizzInfo[IDB][bMessage], mysql, 80 );
        cache_get_field_content( i, "bOwner", BizzInfo[IDB][bOwner], mysql, 80 );
        // Pickups and entrnaces
        BizzInfo[IDB][bPickup] = CreatePickup(19524, 23, BizzInfo[IDB][bEntranceX], BizzInfo[IDB][bEntranceY], BizzInfo[IDB][bEntranceZ], 0);

        if(BizzInfo[IDB][bOwned] == 0)

            format(string, sizeof(string), "{ecc962}- %s - \nBusiness ID: %d\n( Pret de cumparare {ecc962}%s${ecc962} )\n( Nivel necesar {ecc962}%d{ecc962} )\n{ecc962}( Tasteaza acum /buybizz pentru cumparare )", BizzInfo[IDB][bMessage], IDB,FormatMoney(BizzInfo[IDB][bBuyPrice]), BizzInfo[IDB][bLevelNeeded]);
            BizzInfo[IDB][bizz] = Create3DTextLabel(string, -1,BizzInfo[IDB][bEntranceX], BizzInfo[IDB][bEntranceY], BizzInfo[IDB][bEntranceZ]+0.95,10.0,0,1);

        if(BizzInfo[IDB][bOwned] == 1)

            format(string, sizeof(string), "{ecc962}- %s - \nBusiness ID: %d\n( Detinator: {ecc962}%s{ecc962} )\n( Taxa intrare {ecc962}%s${ecc962} )\n{ecc962}( Tasteaza acum /enter{ecc962} pentru a intra )", BizzInfo[IDB][bMessage],IDB,BizzInfo[IDB][bOwner], FormatMoney(BizzInfo[IDB][bEntranceCost]));
            BizzInfo[IDB][bizz] = Create3DTextLabel(string, -1,BizzInfo[IDB][bEntranceX], BizzInfo[IDB][bEntranceY], BizzInfo[IDB][bEntranceZ]+0.95,10.0,0,1);

pawn Код:
function LoadHouses()
    new Cache: Result = mysql_query( mysql, "SELECT * FROM `houses`" ), Get[ 2 ];
    cache_get_data( Get[ 0 ], Get[ 1 ], SQL ); // Get[ 0 ] - Rows || Get[ 1 ] - Fields || SQL - connectionHandle
    for(new i = 0; i < Get[0]; i++)

        new hid =  cache_get_field_content_int( i, "ID", mysql );

        HouseInfo[hid][hOwned] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "hOwned", mysql );
        HouseInfo[hid][hValue] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "hValue", mysql );
        HouseInfo[hid][hInt] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "hInt", mysql );
        HouseInfo[hid][hLock] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "hLock", mysql );
        HouseInfo[hid][hRent] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "hRent", mysql );
        HouseInfo[hid][hRentabil] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "hRentabil", mysql );

        HouseInfo[hid][hTakings] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "hTakings", mysql );
        HouseInfo[hid][hLevel] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "hLevel", mysql );
        HouseInfo[hid][hType] = cache_get_field_content_int( i, "hType", mysql );

        HouseInfo[hid][hEntrancex] = cache_get_field_content_float( i, "hEntrancex", mysql );
        HouseInfo[hid][hEntrancey] = cache_get_field_content_float( i, "hEntrancey", mysql );
        HouseInfo[hid][hEntrancez] = cache_get_field_content_float( i, "hEntrancez", mysql );
        HouseInfo[hid][hExitx] = cache_get_field_content_float( i, "hExitx", mysql );
        HouseInfo[hid][hExity] = cache_get_field_content_float( i, "hExity", mysql );
        HouseInfo[hid][hExitz] = cache_get_field_content_float( i, "hExitz", mysql );

        new string[300];
        cache_get_field_content( i, "hOwner", HouseInfo[hid][hOwner], mysql, 80 );
        // Pickups and entrnaces

        new fftext[20];
        if(HouseInfo[hid][hType] == 1) { fftext = "micг"; }
        else if(HouseInfo[hid][hType] == 2) { fftext = "medie"; }
        else if(HouseInfo[hid][hType] == 3) { fftext = "mare"; }
        if(HouseInfo[hid][hOwned] == 0)
            HouseInfo[hid][hPickup] = CreatePickup(1273, 23, HouseInfo[hid][hEntrancex], HouseInfo[hid][hEntrancey], HouseInfo[hid][hEntrancez], 0);
            format(string, sizeof(string), "Casг disponibilг\nHouse ID: %d\n( Pret de cumpгrare %s$ )\n( Trebuie sг ai level %d minim )\n( Mгrimea interiorului este %s )\n( Tasteazг /buyhouse pentru cumpгrare )",hid, FormatMoney(HouseInfo[hid][hValue]), HouseInfo[hid][hLevel], fftext);
            HouseInfo[hid][hText3D] = Create3DTextLabel(string, HOUSE_COLOR, HouseInfo[hid][hEntrancex], HouseInfo[hid][hEntrancey], HouseInfo[hid][hEntrancez] + 0.95,5.0,0,1);
        else if(HouseInfo[hid][hOwned] == 1)
            HouseInfo[hid][hPickup] = CreatePickup(1272, 23, HouseInfo[hid][hEntrancex], HouseInfo[hid][hEntrancey], HouseInfo[hid][hEntrancez], 0);
            format(string, sizeof(string), "Casг detinutг\nHouse ID: %d\n( Propietar:  %s )\n( Mгrimea interiorului este %s )\n",hid, HouseInfo[hid][hOwner], fftext);
            HouseInfo[hid][hText3D] = Create3DTextLabel(string, HOUSE_COLOR, HouseInfo[hid][hEntrancex], HouseInfo[hid][hEntrancey], HouseInfo[hid][hEntrancez] + 0.95,5.0,0,1);

            if(HouseInfo[hid][hRentabil] == 1)
                format(string, sizeof(string), "Casг detinutг\nHouse ID: %d\n( Propietar:  %s )\n( Pretul de inchiriere este %s$ )\n( Mгrimea interiorului este %s )\n( /rentroom )",hid, HouseInfo[hid][hOwner],FormatMoney(HouseInfo[hid][hRent]), fftext);
                Update3DTextLabelText(Text3D:HouseInfo[hid][hText3D], HOUSE_COLOR, string);
        randuri ++;
        sHouse ++;

    cache_delete( Result );
    tabele ++;

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