20.07.2015, 14:28
hello, can you help me with this ? , i try to open an UCP from PC but i try to edit the configurance.php but i faild 
Here is the code
Now how i connect this on localhost.? I have XAMPP .

Here is the code
PHP код:
## Baza de date
$userbaza = "user";
$parolabaza = "parola";
$numebaza = "zp_26205";
$hostbaza = "";
## Baza de date
## General
$adresa = "http://panel.sa-zone.com";
$titlu_site = "sa-zone.com";
$data_ora = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$serverIP = "samp.sa-zone.com";
$serverPort = 7777;
## General
## Variabile
$username = htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE['user']);
$password = htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE['pass']);
## Variabile