18.07.2015, 12:22
Последний раз редактировалось jamesmith12; 18.07.2015 в 12:25.
Причина: notin
I cant see the playericon in map if im near to him :/ and there i con is transparent im not the coder of this... its from the gamemode here the code of colors.inc ,, can somebody change it for me ?? to show to all players map icon global ?? thank you !! +1reputation
/* Colors Include (colors.inc) * Most used and flexible colors and embeded colors list! * 2 handy player functions ! Author: (creator) * Gammix Contributors: * Crayder - GetColorBetweenColors function © Copyright 2015 * This file is provided as is (no warranties). */ /* FUNCTIONS: native SetPlayerMarkerVisibility(playerid, alpha = 0xFF, forplayerid = -1); native TogglePlayerMarker(playerid, bool:toggle, forplayerid = -1); native IsPlayerMarkerToggled(playerid); native _ native ConvertColorTransparency(color, alpha = 0xFF); native HexToInt(hexcolor, &r, &g, &b, &a); native IntToHex(r, g, b, a = 255); native GetColorBetweenColors(ColorA, ColorB, Float:Percent); */ //player functions static bool:gPlayerMarker[MAX_PLAYERS]; stock SetPlayerMarkerVisibility(playerid, alpha = 0xFF, forplayerid = -1) { if(forplayerid < 0) return SetPlayerColor(playerid, COLOR_SetTransparency(GetPlayerColor(playerid), alpha));//set color for all else return SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, forplayerid, COLOR_SetTransparency(GetPlayerColor(playerid), alpha));//set color for a specific player } stock TogglePlayerMarker(playerid, bool:toggle) { gPlayerMarker[playerid] = toggle; return true; } stock IsPlayerMarkerToggled(playerid) { return gPlayerMarker[playerid]; } public OnPlayerStreamIn(playerid, forplayerid) { if(IsPlayerMarkerToggled(playerid)) { SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(forplayerid, playerid, (GetPlayerColor(playerid) & 0xFFFFFF00)); } else { SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(forplayerid, playerid, (GetPlayerColor(playerid) & 0xFFFFFF00) | 0xFF); } #if defined COLOR_OnPlayerStreamIn return COLOR_OnPlayerStreamIn(playerid, forplayerid); #else return 1; #endif } #if defined _ALS_OnPlayerStreamIn #undef OnPlayerStreamIn #else #define _ALS_OnPlayerStreamIn #endif #define OnPlayerStreamIn COLOR_OnPlayerStreamIn #if defined COLOR_OnPlayerStreamIn forward COLOR_OnPlayerStreamIn(playerid, forplayerid); #endif public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { if(IsPlayerMarkerToggled(playerid)) { for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(i, playerid, (GetPlayerColor(playerid) & 0xFFFFFF00)); } } else { for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(i, playerid, (GetPlayerColor(playerid) & 0xFFFFFF00) | 0xFF); } } #if defined COLOR_OnPlayerSpawn return COLOR_OnPlayerSpawn(playerid); #else return 1; #endif } #if defined _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn #undef OnPlayerSpawn #else #define _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn #endif #define OnPlayerSpawn COLOR_OnPlayerSpawn #if defined COLOR_OnPlayerSpawn forward COLOR_OnPlayerSpawn(playerid); #endif //color functions stock ConvertColorTransparency(color, alpha = 0xFF) { return ((color & ~0xFF) | (clamp(alpha, 0x00, 0xFF))); } stock HexToInt(hexcolor, &r, &g, &b, &a) { r = ( hexcolor >>> 24 ) & 0xFF; g = ( hexcolor >>> 16 ) & 0xFF; b = ( hexcolor >>> 8 ) & 0xFF; a = hexcolor & 0xFF; return hexcolor; } stock IntToHex(r, g, b, a = 255) { return (r * 16777216) + (g * 65536) + (g * 256) + a; } stock GetColorBetweenColors(ColorA, ColorB, Float:Percent) { new R1, G1, B1, A1, R2, G2, B2, A2; HexToInt(ColorA, R1, G1, B1, A1); HexToInt(ColorB, R2, G2, B2, A2); return IntToHex(floatround(Percent * (R2-R1)) + R1, floatround(Percent * (G2-G1)) + G1, floatround(Percent * (B2-B1)) + B1, floatround(Percent * (A2-A1)) + A1); } //Hex colors #define COLOR_SAMP_BLUE 0xA9C4E4FF #define COLOR_BLACK 0x000000FF #define COLOR_WHITE 0xFFFFFFFF #define COLOR_FIREBRICK 0xB22222FF #define COLOR_SALMON 0xFA8072FF #define COLOR_CRIMSON 0xDC143CFF #define COLOR_DEEP_PINK 0xFF1493FF #define COLOR_TOMATO 0xFF6347FF #define COLOR_ORANGE_RED 0xFF4500FF #define COLOR_FIREBRICK 0xB22222FF #define COLOR_GOLD 0xFFD700FF #define COLOR_LEMON 0xFFFACDFF #define COLOR_GOLDENROD 0xFAFAD2FF #define COLOR_MOCCASIN 0xFFE4B5FF #define COLOR_PEACH 0xFFDAB9FF #define COLOR_DARK_KHAKI 0xBDB76BFF #define COLOR_LAVENDER 0xE6E6FAFF #define COLOR_THISTLE 0xD8BFD8FF #define COLOR_PLUM 0xDDA0DDFF #define COLOR_VIOLET 0xEE82EEFF #define COLOR_ORCHID 0xDA70D6FF #define COLOR_FUCHSIA 0xFF00FFFF #define COLOR_INDIGO 0x4B0082FF #define COLOR_SLATE_BLUE 0x6A5ACDFF #define COLOR_GREY_1 0x191919FF #define COLOR_GREY_2 0x333333FF #define COLOR_GREY_3 0x4D4D4DFF #define COLOR_GREY_4 0x666666FF #define COLOR_GREY_5 0x808080FF #define COLOR_GREY_6 0x999999FF #define COLOR_GREY_7 0xB2B2B2FF #define COLOR_GREY_8 0xCCCCCCFF #define COLOR_GREY_9 0xE6E6E6FF #define COLOR_GREY 0x808080FF #define COLOR_CHARTREUSE 0x7FFF00FF #define COLOR_SPRING_GREEN 0x00FF7FFF #define COLOR_SEA_GREEN 0x2E8B57FF #define COLOR_FOREST_GREEN 0x228B22FF #define COLOR_YELLOW_GREEN 0x9ACD32FF #define COLOR_MARINE 0x66CDAAFF #define COLOR_DARK_CYAN 0x008B8BFF #define COLOR_TEAL 0x008080FF #define COLOR_TURQUOISE 0x40E0D0FF #define COLOR_CADET_BLUE 0x5F9EA0FF #define COLOR_STEEL_BLUE 0x4682B4FF #define COLOR_DODGER_BLUE 0x1E90FFFF #define COLOR_ROYAL_BLUE 0x4169E1FF #define COLOR_NAVY 0x000080FF #define COLOR_MIDNIGHT_BLUE 0x191970FF #define COLOR_CORN_SILK 0xFFF8DCFF #define COLOR_BISQUE 0xFFE4C4FF #define COLOR_WHEAT 0xF5DEB3FF #define COLOR_TAN 0xD2B48CFF #define COLOR_ROSY_BROWN 0xBC8F8FFF #define COLOR_SANDY_BROWN 0xF4A460FF #define COLOR_PERU 0xCD853FFF #define COLOR_SADDLE_BROWN 0x8B4513FF #define COLOR_SIENNA 0xA0522DFF #define COLOR_SILVER 0xC0C0C0FF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_1 0x00050AFF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_2 0x000A14FF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_3 0x000F1FFF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_4 0x001429FF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_5 0x001A33FF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_6 0x001F3DFF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_7 0x002447FF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_8 0x002952FF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_9 0x002E5CFF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_10 0x003366FF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_11 0x194775FF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_12 0x335C85FF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_13 0x4D7094FF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_14 0x6685A3FF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_15 0x8099B2FF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_16 0x99ADC2FF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_17 0xB2C2D1FF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_18 0xCCD6E0FF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE_19 0xE6EBF0FF #define COLOR_NAVY_BLUE 0x003366FF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_1 0x050A14FF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_2 0x0A1429FF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_3 0x0F1F3DFF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_4 0x142952FF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_5 0x1A3366FF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_6 0x1F3D7AFF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_7 0x24478FFF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_8 0x2952A3FF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_9 0x2E5CB8FF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_10 0x3366CCFF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_11 0x4775D1FF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_12 0x5C85D6FF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_13 0x7094DBFF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_14 0x85A3E0FF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_15 0x99B2E6FF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_16 0xADC2EBFF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_17 0xC2D1F0FF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_18 0xD6E0F5FF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE_19 0xEBF0FAFF #define COLOR_SKY_BLUE 0x3366CCFF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE_1 0x00001FFF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE_2 0x00002EFF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE_3 0x00003DFF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE_4 0x00004CFF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE_5 0x00005CFF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE_6 0x00006BFF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE_7 0x00007AFF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE_8 0x00008AFF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE_9 0x000099FF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE_10 0x1919A3FF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE_11 0x3333ADFF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE_12 0x4D4DB8FF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE_13 0x6666C2FF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE_14 0x8080CCFF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE_15 0x9999D6FF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE_16 0xB2B2E0FF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE_17 0xCCCCEBFF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE_18 0xE6E6F5FF #define COLOR_DARK_BLUE 0x000099FF #define COLOR_BLUE_1 0x000F14FF #define COLOR_BLUE_2 0x001F29FF #define COLOR_BLUE_3 0x002E3DFF #define COLOR_BLUE_4 0x003D52FF #define COLOR_BLUE_5 0x004C66FF #define COLOR_BLUE_6 0x005C7AFF #define COLOR_BLUE_7 0x006B8FFF #define COLOR_BLUE_8 0x007AA3FF #define COLOR_BLUE_9 0x008AB8FF #define COLOR_BLUE_10 0x0099CCFF #define COLOR_BLUE_11 0x19A3D1FF #define COLOR_BLUE_12 0x33ADD6FF #define COLOR_BLUE_13 0x4DB8DBFF #define COLOR_BLUE_14 0x66C2E0FF #define COLOR_BLUE_15 0x80CCE6FF #define COLOR_BLUE_16 0x99D6EBFF #define COLOR_BLUE_17 0xB2E0F0FF #define COLOR_BLUE_18 0xCCEBF5FF #define COLOR_BLUE_19 0xE6F5FAFF #define COLOR_BLUE 0x0099CCFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_1 0x050F1AFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_2 0x0A1F33FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_3 0x0F2E4CFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_4 0x143D66FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_5 0x1A4C80FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_6 0x1F5C99FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_7 0x246BB2FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_8 0x297ACCFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_9 0x2E8AE6FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_10 0x3399FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_11 0x47A3FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_12 0x5CADFFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_13 0x70B8FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_14 0x85C2FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_15 0x99CCFFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_16 0xADD6FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_17 0xC2E0FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_18 0xD6EBFFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE_19 0xEBF5FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE 0x3399FFFF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_1 0x0A0A1FFF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_2 0x0A0014FF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_3 0x140029FF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_4 0x1F003DFF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_5 0x290052FF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_6 0x330066FF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_7 0x3D007AFF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_8 0x47008FFF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_9 0x5200A3FF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_10 0x5C00B8FF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_11 0x6600CCFF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_12 0x7519D1FF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_13 0x8533D6FF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_14 0x944DDBFF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_15 0xA366E0FF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_16 0xB280E6FF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_17 0xC299EBFF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_18 0xD1B2F0FF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE_19 0xE0CCF5FF #define COLOR_DARK_PURPLE 0x6600CCFF #define COLOR_PURPLE_1 0x0A001AFF #define COLOR_PURPLE_2 0x140033FF #define COLOR_PURPLE_3 0x1F004CFF #define COLOR_PURPLE_4 0x290066FF #define COLOR_PURPLE_5 0x330080FF #define COLOR_PURPLE_6 0x3D0099FF #define COLOR_PURPLE_7 0x4700B2FF #define COLOR_PURPLE_8 0x5200CCFF #define COLOR_PURPLE_9 0x5C00E6FF #define COLOR_PURPLE_10 0x6600FFFF #define COLOR_PURPLE_11 0x7519FFFF #define COLOR_PURPLE_12 0x8533FFFF #define COLOR_PURPLE_13 0x944DFFFF #define COLOR_PURPLE_14 0xA366FFFF #define COLOR_PURPLE_15 0xB280FFFF #define COLOR_PURPLE_16 0xC299FFFF #define COLOR_PURPLE_17 0xD1B2FFFF #define COLOR_PURPLE_18 0xE0CCFFFF #define COLOR_PURPLE_19 0xF0E6FFFF #define COLOR_PURPLE 0x6600FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_1 0x0A0A1AFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_2 0x141433FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_3 0x1F1F4CFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_4 0x292966FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_5 0x333380FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_6 0x3D3D99FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_7 0x4747B2FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_8 0x5252CCFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_9 0x5C5CE6FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_10 0x6666FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_11 0x7575FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_12 0x8585FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_13 0x9494FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_14 0xA3A3FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_15 0xB2B2FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_16 0xC2C2FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_17 0xD1D1FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_18 0xE0E0FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE_19 0xF0F0FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE 0x6666FFFF #define COLOR_CYAN_1 0x001A1AFF #define COLOR_CYAN_2 0x003333FF #define COLOR_CYAN_3 0x004C4CFF #define COLOR_CYAN_4 0x006666FF #define COLOR_CYAN_5 0x008080FF #define COLOR_CYAN_6 0x009999FF #define COLOR_CYAN_7 0x00B2B2FF #define COLOR_CYAN_8 0x00CCCCFF #define COLOR_CYAN_9 0x00E6E6FF #define COLOR_CYAN_10 0x00FFFFFF #define COLOR_CYAN_11 0x19FFFFFF #define COLOR_CYAN_12 0x33FFFFFF #define COLOR_CYAN_13 0x4DFFFFFF #define COLOR_CYAN_14 0x66FFFFFF #define COLOR_CYAN_15 0x80FFFFFF #define COLOR_CYAN_16 0x99FFFFFF #define COLOR_CYAN_17 0xB2FFFFFF #define COLOR_CYAN_18 0xCCFFFFFF #define COLOR_CYAN_19 0xE6FFFFFF #define COLOR_CYAN 0x00FFFFFF #define COLOR_AQUA_1 0x001A14FF #define COLOR_AQUA_2 0x003329FF #define COLOR_AQUA_3 0x004C3DFF #define COLOR_AQUA_4 0x006652FF #define COLOR_AQUA_5 0x008066FF #define COLOR_AQUA_6 0x00997AFF #define COLOR_AQUA_7 0x00B28FFF #define COLOR_AQUA_8 0x00CCA3FF #define COLOR_AQUA_9 0x00E6B8FF #define COLOR_AQUA_10 0x00FFCCFF #define COLOR_AQUA_11 0x19FFD1FF #define COLOR_AQUA_12 0x33FFD6FF #define COLOR_AQUA_13 0x4DFFDBFF #define COLOR_AQUA_14 0x66FFE0FF #define COLOR_AQUA_15 0x80FFE6FF #define COLOR_AQUA_16 0x99FFEBFF #define COLOR_AQUA_17 0xB2FFF0FF #define COLOR_AQUA_18 0xCCFFF5FF #define COLOR_AQUA_19 0xE6FFFAFF #define COLOR_AQUA 0x00FFCCFF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_1 0x00140FFF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_2 0x00291FFF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_3 0x003D2EFF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_4 0x00523DFF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_5 0x00664CFF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_6 0x007A5CFF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_7 0x008F6BFF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_8 0x00A37AFF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_9 0x00B88AFF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_10 0x00CC99FF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_11 0x19D1A3FF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_12 0x33D6ADFF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_13 0x4DDBB8FF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_14 0x66E0C2FF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_15 0x80E6CCFF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_16 0x99EBD6FF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_17 0xB2F0E0FF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_18 0xCCF5EBFF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN_19 0xE6FAF5FF #define COLOR_POISION_GREEN 0x00CC99FF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_1 0x000A0AFF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_2 0x001414FF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_3 0x001F1FFF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_4 0x002929FF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_5 0x003333FF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_6 0x003D3DFF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_7 0x004747FF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_8 0x005252FF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_9 0x005C5CFF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_10 0x006666FF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_11 0x197575FF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_12 0x338585FF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_13 0x4D9494FF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_14 0x66A3A3FF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_15 0x80B2B2FF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_16 0x99C2C2FF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_17 0xB2D1D1FF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_18 0xCCE0E0FF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN_19 0xE6F0F0FF #define COLOR_LAWN_GREEN 0x006666FF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_1 0x050F05FF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_2 0x0A1F0AFF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_3 0x0F2E0FFF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_4 0x143D14FF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_5 0x1A4C1AFF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_6 0x1F5C1FFF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_7 0x246B24FF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_8 0x297A29FF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_9 0x2E8A2EFF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_10 0x339933FF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_11 0x47A347FF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_12 0x5CAD5CFF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_13 0x70B870FF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_14 0x85C285FF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_15 0x99CC99FF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_16 0xADD6ADFF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_17 0xC2E0C2FF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_18 0xD6EBD6FF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN_19 0xEBF5EBFF #define COLOR_OLIVE_GREEN 0x339933FF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_1 0x000A00FF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_2 0x001400FF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_3 0x001F00FF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_4 0x002900FF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_5 0x003300FF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_6 0x003D00FF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_7 0x004700FF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_8 0x005200FF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_9 0x005C00FF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_10 0x006600FF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_11 0x197519FF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_12 0x338533FF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_13 0x4D944DFF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_14 0x66A366FF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_15 0x80B280FF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_16 0x99C299FF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_17 0xB2D1B2FF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_18 0xCCE0CCFF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN_19 0xE6F0E6FF #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN 0x006600FF #define COLOR_GREEN_1 0x001400FF #define COLOR_GREEN_2 0x002900FF #define COLOR_GREEN_3 0x003D00FF #define COLOR_GREEN_4 0x005200FF #define COLOR_GREEN_5 0x006600FF #define COLOR_GREEN_6 0x007A00FF #define COLOR_GREEN_7 0x008F00FF #define COLOR_GREEN_8 0x00A300FF #define COLOR_GREEN_9 0x00B800FF #define COLOR_GREEN_10 0x00CC00FF #define COLOR_GREEN_11 0x19D119FF #define COLOR_GREEN_12 0x33D633FF #define COLOR_GREEN_13 0x4DDB4DFF #define COLOR_GREEN_14 0x66E066FF #define COLOR_GREEN_15 0x80E680FF #define COLOR_GREEN_16 0x99EB99FF #define COLOR_GREEN_17 0xB2F0B2FF #define COLOR_GREEN_18 0xCCF5CCFF #define COLOR_GREEN_19 0xE6FAE6FF #define COLOR_GREEN 0x00CC00FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_1 0x0A1A0FFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_2 0x14331FFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_3 0x1F4C2EFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_4 0x29663DFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_5 0x33804CFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_6 0x3D995CFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_7 0x47B26BFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_8 0x52CC7AFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_9 0x5CE68AFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_10 0x66FF99FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_11 0x75FFA3FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_12 0x85FFADFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_13 0x94FFB8FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_14 0xA3FFC2FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_15 0xB2FFCCFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_16 0xC2FFD6FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_17 0xD1FFE0FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_18 0xE0FFEBFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN_19 0xF0FFF5FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN 0x66FF99FF #define COLOR_PINK_1 0x140F1AFF #define COLOR_PINK_2 0x291F33FF #define COLOR_PINK_3 0x3D2E4CFF #define COLOR_PINK_4 0x523D66FF #define COLOR_PINK_5 0x664C80FF #define COLOR_PINK_6 0x7A5C99FF #define COLOR_PINK_7 0x8F6BB2FF #define COLOR_PINK_8 0xA37ACCFF #define COLOR_PINK_9 0xB88AE6FF #define COLOR_PINK_10 0xCC99FFFF #define COLOR_PINK_11 0xD1A3FFFF #define COLOR_PINK_12 0xD6ADFFFF #define COLOR_PINK_13 0xDBB8FFFF #define COLOR_PINK_14 0xE0C2FFFF #define COLOR_PINK_15 0xE6CCFFFF #define COLOR_PINK_16 0xEBD6FFFF #define COLOR_PINK_17 0xF0E0FFFF #define COLOR_PINK_18 0xF5EBFFFF #define COLOR_PINK_19 0xFAF5FFFF #define COLOR_PINK 0xCC99FFFF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_1 0x1A0F1AFF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_2 0x331F33FF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_3 0x4C2E4CFF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_4 0x663D66FF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_5 0x804C80FF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_6 0x995C99FF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_7 0xB26BB2FF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_8 0xCC7ACCFF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_9 0xE68AE6FF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_10 0xFF99FFFF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_11 0xFFA3FFFF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_12 0xFFADFFFF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_13 0xFFB8FFFF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_14 0xFFC2FFFF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_15 0xFFCCFFFF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_16 0xFFD6FFFF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_17 0xFFE0FFFF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_18 0xFFEBFFFF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK_19 0xFFF5FFFF #define COLOR_HOT_PINK 0xFF99FFFF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_1 0x14051AFF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_2 0x290A33FF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_3 0x3D0F4CFF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_4 0x521466FF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_5 0x661A80FF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_6 0x7A1F99FF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_7 0x8F24B2FF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_8 0xA329CCFF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_9 0xB82EE6FF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_10 0xCC33FFFF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_11 0xD147FFFF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_12 0xD65CFFFF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_13 0xDB70FFFF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_14 0xE085FFFF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_15 0xE699FFFF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_16 0xEBADFFFF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_17 0xF0C2FFFF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_18 0xF5D6FFFF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK_19 0xFAEBFFFF #define COLOR_DARK_PINK 0xCC33FFFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_1 0x1A1A0FFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_2 0x33331FFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_3 0x4C4C2EFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_4 0x66663DFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_5 0x80804CFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_6 0x99995CFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_7 0xB2B26BFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_8 0xCCCC7AFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_9 0xE6E68AFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_10 0xFFFF99FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_11 0xFFFFA3FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_12 0xFFFFADFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_13 0xFFFFB8FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_14 0xFFFFC2FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_15 0xFFFFCCFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_16 0xFFFFD6FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_17 0xFFFFE0FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_18 0xFFFFEBFF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW_19 0xFFFFF5FF #define COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW 0xFFFF99FF #define COLOR_YELLOW_1 0x1A1A0AFF #define COLOR_YELLOW_2 0x333314FF #define COLOR_YELLOW_3 0x4C4C1FFF #define COLOR_YELLOW_4 0x666629FF #define COLOR_YELLOW_5 0x808033FF #define COLOR_YELLOW_6 0x99993DFF #define COLOR_YELLOW_7 0xB2B247FF #define COLOR_YELLOW_8 0xCCCC52FF #define COLOR_YELLOW_9 0xE6E65CFF #define COLOR_YELLOW_10 0xFFFF66FF #define COLOR_YELLOW_11 0xFFFF75FF #define COLOR_YELLOW_12 0xFFFF85FF #define COLOR_YELLOW_13 0xFFFF94FF #define COLOR_YELLOW_14 0xFFFFA3FF #define COLOR_YELLOW_15 0xFFFFB2FF #define COLOR_YELLOW_16 0xFFFFC2FF #define COLOR_YELLOW_17 0xFFFFD1FF #define COLOR_YELLOW_18 0xFFFFE0FF #define COLOR_YELLOW_19 0xFFFFF0FF #define COLOR_YELLOW 0xFFFF66FF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_1 0x1A1400FF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_2 0x332900FF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_3 0x4C3D00FF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_4 0x665200FF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_5 0x806600FF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_6 0x997A00FF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_7 0xB28F00FF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_8 0xCCA300FF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_9 0xE6B800FF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_10 0xFFCC00FF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_11 0xFFD119FF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_12 0xFFD633FF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_13 0xFFDB4DFF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_14 0xFFE066FF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_15 0xFFE680FF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_16 0xFFEB99FF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_17 0xFFF0B2FF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_18 0xFFF5CCFF #define COLOR_MUSTARD_19 0xFFFAE6FF #define COLOR_MUSTARD 0xFFCC00FF #define COLOR_ORANGE_1 0x1A0F05FF #define COLOR_ORANGE_2 0x331F0AFF #define COLOR_ORANGE_3 0x4C2E0FFF #define COLOR_ORANGE_4 0x663D14FF #define COLOR_ORANGE_5 0x804C1AFF #define COLOR_ORANGE_6 0x995C1FFF #define COLOR_ORANGE_7 0xB26B24FF #define COLOR_ORANGE_8 0xCC7A29FF #define COLOR_ORANGE_9 0xE68A2EFF #define COLOR_ORANGE_10 0xFF9933FF #define COLOR_ORANGE_11 0xFFA347FF #define COLOR_ORANGE_12 0xFFAD5CFF #define COLOR_ORANGE_13 0xFFB870FF #define COLOR_ORANGE_14 0xFFC285FF #define COLOR_ORANGE_15 0xFFCC99FF #define COLOR_ORANGE_16 0xFFD6ADFF #define COLOR_ORANGE_17 0xFFE0C2FF #define COLOR_ORANGE_18 0xFFEBD6FF #define COLOR_ORANGE_19 0xFFF5EBFF #define COLOR_ORANGE 0xFF9933FF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_1 0x1A0A00FF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_2 0x331400FF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_3 0x4C1F00FF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_4 0x662900FF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_5 0x803300FF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_6 0x993D00FF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_7 0xB24700FF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_8 0xCC5200FF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_9 0xE65C00FF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_10 0xFF6600FF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_11 0xFF7519FF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_12 0xFF8533FF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_13 0xFF944DFF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_14 0xFFA366FF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_15 0xFFB280FF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_16 0xFFC299FF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_17 0xFFD1B2FF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_18 0xFFE0CCFF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE_19 0xFFF0E6FF #define COLOR_DARK_ORANGE 0xFF6600FF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_1 0x0A0005FF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_2 0x14000AFF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_3 0x1F000FFF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_4 0x290014FF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_5 0x33001AFF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_6 0x3D001FFF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_7 0x470024FF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_8 0x520029FF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_9 0x5C002EFF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_10 0x660033FF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_11 0x751947FF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_12 0x85335CFF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_13 0x944D70FF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_14 0xA36685FF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_15 0xB28099FF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_16 0xC299ADFF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_17 0xD1B2C2FF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_18 0xE0CCD6FF #define COLOR_MAGENTA_19 0xF0E6EBFF #define COLOR_MAGENTA 0x660033FF #define COLOR_MARONE_1 0x0D0000FF #define COLOR_MARONE_2 0x1A0000FF #define COLOR_MARONE_3 0x260000FF #define COLOR_MARONE_4 0x330000FF #define COLOR_MARONE_5 0x400000FF #define COLOR_MARONE_6 0x4D0000FF #define COLOR_MARONE_7 0x5A0000FF #define COLOR_MARONE_8 0x660000FF #define COLOR_MARONE_9 0x730000FF #define COLOR_MARONE_10 0x800000FF #define COLOR_MARONE_11 0x8D1919FF #define COLOR_MARONE_12 0x993333FF #define COLOR_MARONE_13 0xA64D4DFF #define COLOR_MARONE_14 0xB36666FF #define COLOR_MARONE_15 0xC08080FF #define COLOR_MARONE_16 0xCC9999FF #define COLOR_MARONE_17 0xD9B2B2FF #define COLOR_MARONE_18 0xE6CCCCFF #define COLOR_MARONE_19 0xF2E6E6FF #define COLOR_MARONE 0x800000FF #define COLOR_RED_1 0x140000FF #define COLOR_RED_2 0x290000FF #define COLOR_RED_3 0x3D0000FF #define COLOR_RED_4 0x520000FF #define COLOR_RED_5 0x660000FF #define COLOR_RED_6 0x7A0000FF #define COLOR_RED_7 0x8F0000FF #define COLOR_RED_8 0xA30000FF #define COLOR_RED_9 0xB80000FF #define COLOR_RED_10 0xCC0000FF #define COLOR_RED_11 0xD11919FF #define COLOR_RED_12 0xD63333FF #define COLOR_RED_13 0xDB4D4DFF #define COLOR_RED_14 0xE06666FF #define COLOR_RED_15 0xE68080FF #define COLOR_RED_16 0xEB9999FF #define COLOR_RED_17 0xF0B2B2FF #define COLOR_RED_18 0xF5CCCCFF #define COLOR_RED_19 0xFAE6E6FF #define COLOR_RED 0xFF0000FF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_1 0x140000FF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_2 0x290000FF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_3 0x3D0000FF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_4 0x520000FF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_5 0x660000FF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_6 0x7A0000FF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_7 0x8F0000FF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_8 0xA30000FF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_9 0xB80000FF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_10 0xCC0000FF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_11 0xD11919FF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_12 0xD63333FF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_13 0xDB4D4DFF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_14 0xE06666FF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_15 0xE68080FF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_16 0xEB9999FF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_17 0xF0B2B2FF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_18 0xF5CCCCFF #define COLOR_DARK_RED_19 0xFAE6E6FF #define COLOR_DARK_RED 0xCC0000FF #define COLOR_KHAKI_1 0x0F0F0AFF #define COLOR_KHAKI_2 0x1F1F14FF #define COLOR_KHAKI_3 0x2E2E1FFF #define COLOR_KHAKI_4 0x3D3D29FF #define COLOR_KHAKI_5 0x4C4C33FF #define COLOR_KHAKI_6 0x5C5C3DFF #define COLOR_KHAKI_7 0x6B6B47FF #define COLOR_KHAKI_8 0x7A7A52FF #define COLOR_KHAKI_9 0x8A8A5CFF #define COLOR_KHAKI_10 0x999966FF #define COLOR_KHAKI_11 0xA3A375FF #define COLOR_KHAKI_12 0xADAD85FF #define COLOR_KHAKI_13 0xB8B894FF #define COLOR_KHAKI_14 0xC2C2A3FF #define COLOR_KHAKI_15 0xCCCCB2FF #define COLOR_KHAKI_16 0xD6D6C2FF #define COLOR_KHAKI_17 0xE0E0D1FF #define COLOR_KHAKI_18 0xEBEBE0FF #define COLOR_KHAKI_19 0xF5F5F0FF #define COLOR_KHAKI 0x999966FF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_1 0x0A0F0FFF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_2 0x141F1FFF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_3 0x1F2E2EFF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_4 0x293D3DFF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_5 0x334C4CFF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_6 0x3D5C5CFF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_7 0x476B6BFF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_8 0x527A7AFF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_9 0x5C8A8AFF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_10 0x669999FF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_11 0x75A3A3FF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_12 0x85ADADFF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_13 0x94B8B8FF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_14 0xA3C2C2FF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_15 0xB2CCCCFF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_16 0xC2D6D6FF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_17 0xD1E0E0FF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_18 0xE0EBEBFF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE_19 0xF0F5F5FF #define COLOR_GRAPHITE 0x669999FF #define COLOR_CORAL_1 0x0F0505FF #define COLOR_CORAL_2 0x1F0A0AFF #define COLOR_CORAL_3 0x2E0F0FFF #define COLOR_CORAL_4 0x3D1414FF #define COLOR_CORAL_5 0x4C1A1AFF #define COLOR_CORAL_6 0x5C1F1FFF #define COLOR_CORAL_7 0x6B2424FF #define COLOR_CORAL_8 0x7A2929FF #define COLOR_CORAL_9 0x8A2E2EFF #define COLOR_CORAL_10 0x993333FF #define COLOR_CORAL_11 0xA34747FF #define COLOR_CORAL_12 0xAD5C5CFF #define COLOR_CORAL_13 0xB87070FF #define COLOR_CORAL_14 0xC28585FF #define COLOR_CORAL_15 0xCC9999FF #define COLOR_CORAL_16 0xD6ADADFF #define COLOR_CORAL_17 0xE0C2C2FF #define COLOR_CORAL_18 0xEBD6D6FF #define COLOR_CORAL_19 0xF5EBEBFF #define COLOR_CORAL 0x993333FF #define COLOR_LIME_1 0x141A0FFF #define COLOR_LIME_2 0x29331FFF #define COLOR_LIME_3 0x3D4C2EFF #define COLOR_LIME_4 0x52663DFF #define COLOR_LIME_5 0x66804CFF #define COLOR_LIME_6 0x7A995CFF #define COLOR_LIME_7 0x8FB26BFF #define COLOR_LIME_8 0xA3CC7AFF #define COLOR_LIME_9 0xB8E68AFF #define COLOR_LIME_10 0xCCFF99FF #define COLOR_LIME_11 0xD1FFA3FF #define COLOR_LIME_12 0xD6FFADFF #define COLOR_LIME_13 0xDBFFB8FF #define COLOR_LIME_14 0xE0FFC2FF #define COLOR_LIME_15 0xE6FFCCFF #define COLOR_LIME_16 0xEBFFD6FF #define COLOR_LIME_17 0xF0FFE0FF #define COLOR_LIME_18 0xF5FFEBFF #define COLOR_LIME_19 0xFAFFF5FF #define COLOR_LIME 0xCCFF99FF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_1 0x141A05FF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_2 0x29330AFF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_3 0x3D4C0FFF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_4 0x526614FF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_5 0x66801AFF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_6 0x7A991FFF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_7 0x8FB224FF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_8 0xA3CC29FF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_9 0xB8E62EFF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_10 0xCCFF33FF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_11 0xD1FF47FF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_12 0xD6FF5CFF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_13 0xDBFF70FF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_14 0xE0FF85FF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_15 0xE6FF99FF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_16 0xEBFFADFF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_17 0xF0FFC2FF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_18 0xF5FFD6FF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW_19 0xFAFFEBFF #define COLOR_GREEN_YELLOW 0xCCFF33FF #define COLOR_BROWN_1 0x0A0500FF #define COLOR_BROWN_2 0x140A00FF #define COLOR_BROWN_3 0x1F0F00FF #define COLOR_BROWN_4 0x291400FF #define COLOR_BROWN_5 0x331A00FF #define COLOR_BROWN_6 0x3D1F00FF #define COLOR_BROWN_7 0x472400FF #define COLOR_BROWN_8 0x522900FF #define COLOR_BROWN_9 0x5C2E00FF #define COLOR_BROWN_10 0x663300FF #define COLOR_BROWN_11 0x754719FF #define COLOR_BROWN_12 0x855C33FF #define COLOR_BROWN_13 0x94704DFF #define COLOR_BROWN_14 0xA38566FF #define COLOR_BROWN_15 0xB29980FF #define COLOR_BROWN_16 0xC2AD99FF #define COLOR_BROWN_17 0xD1C2B2FF #define COLOR_BROWN_18 0xE0D6CCFF #define COLOR_BROWN_19 0xF0EBE6FF #define COLOR_BROWN 0x663300FF //Embeded colors #define SAMP_BLUE "{A9C4E4}" #define BLACK "{000000}" #define WHITE "{FFFFFF}" #define FIREBRICK "{B22222}" #define SALMON "{FA8072}" #define CRIMSON "{DC143C}" #define DEEP_PINK "{FF1493}" #define TOMATO "{FF6347}" #define ORANGE_RED "{FF4500}" #define FIREBRICK "{B22222}" #define GOLD "{FFD700}" #define LEMON "{FFFACD}" #define GOLDENROD "{FAFAD2}" #define MOCCASIN "{FFE4B5}" #define PEACH "{FFDAB9}" #define DARK_KHAKI "{BDB76B}" #define LAVENDER "{E6E6FA}" #define THISTLE "{D8BFD8}" #define PLUM "{DDA0DD}" #define VIOLET "{EE82EE}" #define ORCHID "{DA70D6}" #define FUCHSIA "{FF00FF}" #define INDIGO "{4B0082}" #define SLATE_BLUE "{6A5ACD}" #define GREY_1 "{191919}" #define GREY_2 "{333333}" #define GREY_3 "{4D4D4D}" #define GREY_4 "{666666}" #define GREY_5 "{808080}" #define GREY_6 "{999999}" #define GREY_7 "{B2B2B2}" #define GREY_8 "{CCCCCC}" #define GREY_9 "{E6E6E6}" #define GREY "{808080}" #define CHARTREUSE "{7FFF00}" #define SPRING_GREEN "{00FF7F}" #define SEA_GREEN "{2E8B57}" #define FOREST_GREEN "{228B22}" #define YELLOW_GREEN "{9ACD32}" #define MARINE "{66CDAA}" #define DARK_CYAN "{008B8B}" #define TEAL "{008080}" #define TURQUOISE "{40E0D0}" #define CADET_BLUE "{5F9EA0}" #define STEEL_BLUE "{4682B4}" #define DODGER_BLUE "{1E90FF}" #define ROYAL_BLUE "{4169E1}" #define NAVY "{000080}" #define MIDNIGHT_BLUE "{191970}" #define CORN_SILK "{FFF8DC}" #define BISQUE "{FFE4C4}" #define WHEAT "{F5DEB3}" #define TAN "{D2B48C}" #define ROSY_BROWN "{BC8F8F}" #define SANDY_BROWN "{F4A460}" #define PERU "{CD853F}" #define SADDLE_BROWN "{8B4513}" #define SIENNA "{A0522D}" #define SILVER "{C0C0C0}" #define GREY_1 "{191919}" #define GREY_2 "{333333}" #define GREY_3 "{4D4D4D}" #define GREY_4 "{666666}" #define GREY_5 "{808080}" #define GREY_6 "{999999}" #define GREY_7 "{B2B2B2}" #define GREY_8 "{CCCCCC}" #define GREY_9 "{E6E6E6}" #define GREY "{808080}" #define NAVY_BLUE_1 "{00050A}" #define NAVY_BLUE_2 "{000A14}" #define NAVY_BLUE_3 "{000F1F}" #define NAVY_BLUE_4 "{001429}" #define NAVY_BLUE_5 "{001A33}" #define NAVY_BLUE_6 "{001F3D}" #define NAVY_BLUE_7 "{002447}" #define NAVY_BLUE_8 "{002952}" #define NAVY_BLUE_9 "{002E5C}" #define NAVY_BLUE_10 "{003366}" #define NAVY_BLUE_11 "{194775}" #define NAVY_BLUE_12 "{335C85}" #define NAVY_BLUE_13 "{4D7094}" #define NAVY_BLUE_14 "{6685A3}" #define NAVY_BLUE_15 "{8099B2}" #define NAVY_BLUE_16 "{99ADC2}" #define NAVY_BLUE_17 "{B2C2D1}" #define NAVY_BLUE_18 "{CCD6E0}" #define NAVY_BLUE_19 "{E6EBF0}" #define NAVY_BLUE "{003366}" #define SKY_BLUE_1 "{050A14}" #define SKY_BLUE_2 "{0A1429}" #define SKY_BLUE_3 "{0F1F3D}" #define SKY_BLUE_4 "{142952}" #define SKY_BLUE_5 "{1A3366}" #define SKY_BLUE_6 "{1F3D7A}" #define SKY_BLUE_7 "{24478F}" #define SKY_BLUE_8 "{2952A3}" #define SKY_BLUE_9 "{2E5CB8}" #define SKY_BLUE_10 "{3366CC}" #define SKY_BLUE_11 "{4775D1}" #define SKY_BLUE_12 "{5C85D6}" #define SKY_BLUE_13 "{7094DB}" #define SKY_BLUE_14 "{85A3E0}" #define SKY_BLUE_15 "{99B2E6}" #define SKY_BLUE_16 "{ADC2EB}" #define SKY_BLUE_17 "{C2D1F0}" #define SKY_BLUE_18 "{D6E0F5}" #define SKY_BLUE_19 "{EBF0FA}" #define SKY_BLUE "{3366CC}" #define DARK_BLUE_1 "{00001F}" #define DARK_BLUE_2 "{00002E}" #define DARK_BLUE_3 "{00003D}" #define DARK_BLUE_4 "{00004C}" #define DARK_BLUE_5 "{00005C}" #define DARK_BLUE_6 "{00006B}" #define DARK_BLUE_7 "{00007A}" #define DARK_BLUE_8 "{00008A}" #define DARK_BLUE_9 "{000099}" #define DARK_BLUE_10 "{1919A3}" #define DARK_BLUE_11 "{3333AD}" #define DARK_BLUE_12 "{4D4DB8}" #define DARK_BLUE_13 "{6666C2}" #define DARK_BLUE_14 "{8080CC}" #define DARK_BLUE_15 "{9999D6}" #define DARK_BLUE_16 "{B2B2E0}" #define DARK_BLUE_17 "{CCCCEB}" #define DARK_BLUE_18 "{E6E6F5}" #define DARK_BLUE "{000099}" #define BLUE_1 "{000F14}" #define BLUE_2 "{001F29}" #define BLUE_3 "{002E3D}" #define BLUE_4 "{003D52}" #define BLUE_5 "{004C66}" #define BLUE_6 "{005C7A}" #define BLUE_7 "{006B8F}" #define BLUE_8 "{007AA3}" #define BLUE_9 "{008AB8}" #define BLUE_10 "{0099CC}" #define BLUE_11 "{19A3D1}" #define BLUE_12 "{33ADD6}" #define BLUE_13 "{4DB8DB}" #define BLUE_14 "{66C2E0}" #define BLUE_15 "{80CCE6}" #define BLUE_16 "{99D6EB}" #define BLUE_17 "{B2E0F0}" #define BLUE_18 "{CCEBF5}" #define BLUE_19 "{E6F5FA}" #define BLUE "{0099CC}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_1 "{050F1A}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_2 "{0A1F33}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_3 "{0F2E4C}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_4 "{143D66}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_5 "{1A4C80}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_6 "{1F5C99}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_7 "{246BB2}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_8 "{297ACC}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_9 "{2E8AE6}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_10 "{3399FF}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_11 "{47A3FF}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_12 "{5CADFF}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_13 "{70B8FF}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_14 "{85C2FF}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_15 "{99CCFF}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_16 "{ADD6FF}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_17 "{C2E0FF}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_18 "{D6EBFF}" #define LIGHT_BLUE_19 "{EBF5FF}" #define LIGHT_BLUE "{3399FF}" #define DARK_PURPLE_1 "{0A0A1F}" #define DARK_PURPLE_2 "{0A0014}" #define DARK_PURPLE_3 "{140029}" #define DARK_PURPLE_4 "{1F003D}" #define DARK_PURPLE_5 "{290052}" #define DARK_PURPLE_6 "{330066}" #define DARK_PURPLE_7 "{3D007A}" #define DARK_PURPLE_8 "{47008F}" #define DARK_PURPLE_9 "{5200A3}" #define DARK_PURPLE_10 "{5C00B8}" #define DARK_PURPLE_11 "{6600CC}" #define DARK_PURPLE_12 "{7519D1}" #define DARK_PURPLE_13 "{8533D6}" #define DARK_PURPLE_14 "{944DDB}" #define DARK_PURPLE_15 "{A366E0}" #define DARK_PURPLE_16 "{B280E6}" #define DARK_PURPLE_17 "{C299EB}" #define DARK_PURPLE_18 "{D1B2F0}" #define DARK_PURPLE_19 "{E0CCF5}" #define DARK_PURPLE "{6600CC}" #define PURPLE_1 "{0A001A}" #define PURPLE_2 "{140033}" #define PURPLE_3 "{1F004C}" #define PURPLE_4 "{290066}" #define PURPLE_5 "{330080}" #define PURPLE_6 "{3D0099}" #define PURPLE_7 "{4700B2}" #define PURPLE_8 "{5200CC}" #define PURPLE_9 "{5C00E6}" #define PURPLE_10 "{6600FF}" #define PURPLE_11 "{7519FF}" #define PURPLE_12 "{8533FF}" #define PURPLE_13 "{944DFF}" #define PURPLE_14 "{A366FF}" #define PURPLE_15 "{B280FF}" #define PURPLE_16 "{C299FF}" #define PURPLE_17 "{D1B2FF}" #define PURPLE_18 "{E0CCFF}" #define PURPLE_19 "{F0E6FF}" #define PURPLE "{6600FF}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_1 "{0A0A1A}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_2 "{141433}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_3 "{1F1F4C}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_4 "{292966}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_5 "{333380}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_6 "{3D3D99}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_7 "{4747B2}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_8 "{5252CC}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_9 "{5C5CE6}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_10 "{6666FF}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_11 "{7575FF}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_12 "{8585FF}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_13 "{9494FF}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_14 "{A3A3FF}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_15 "{B2B2FF}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_16 "{C2C2FF}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_17 "{D1D1FF}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_18 "{E0E0FF}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE_19 "{F0F0FF}" #define LIGHT_PURPLE "{6666FF}" #define CYAN_1 "{001A1A}" #define CYAN_2 "{003333}" #define CYAN_3 "{004C4C}" #define CYAN_4 "{006666}" #define CYAN_5 "{008080}" #define CYAN_6 "{009999}" #define CYAN_7 "{00B2B2}" #define CYAN_8 "{00CCCC}" #define CYAN_9 "{00E6E6}" #define CYAN_10 "{00FFFF}" #define CYAN_11 "{19FFFF}" #define CYAN_12 "{33FFFF}" #define CYAN_13 "{4DFFFF}" #define CYAN_14 "{66FFFF}" #define CYAN_15 "{80FFFF}" #define CYAN_16 "{99FFFF}" #define CYAN_17 "{B2FFFF}" #define CYAN_18 "{CCFFFF}" #define CYAN_19 "{E6FFFF}" #define CYAN "{00FFFF}" #define AQUA_1 "{001A14}" #define AQUA_2 "{003329}" #define AQUA_3 "{004C3D}" #define AQUA_4 "{006652}" #define AQUA_5 "{008066}" #define AQUA_6 "{00997A}" #define AQUA_7 "{00B28F}" #define AQUA_8 "{00CCA3}" #define AQUA_9 "{00E6B8}" #define AQUA_10 "{00FFCC}" #define AQUA_11 "{19FFD1}" #define AQUA_12 "{33FFD6}" #define AQUA_13 "{4DFFDB}" #define AQUA_14 "{66FFE0}" #define AQUA_15 "{80FFE6}" #define AQUA_16 "{99FFEB}" #define AQUA_17 "{B2FFF0}" #define AQUA_18 "{CCFFF5}" #define AQUA_19 "{E6FFFA}" #define AQUA "{00FFCC}" #define POISION_GREEN_1 "{00140F}" #define POISION_GREEN_2 "{00291F}" #define POISION_GREEN_3 "{003D2E}" #define POISION_GREEN_4 "{00523D}" #define POISION_GREEN_5 "{00664C}" #define POISION_GREEN_6 "{007A5C}" #define POISION_GREEN_7 "{008F6B}" #define POISION_GREEN_8 "{00A37A}" #define POISION_GREEN_9 "{00B88A}" #define POISION_GREEN_10 "{00CC99}" #define POISION_GREEN_11 "{19D1A3}" #define POISION_GREEN_12 "{33D6AD}" #define POISION_GREEN_13 "{4DDBB8}" #define POISION_GREEN_14 "{66E0C2}" #define POISION_GREEN_15 "{80E6CC}" #define POISION_GREEN_16 "{99EBD6}" #define POISION_GREEN_17 "{B2F0E0}" #define POISION_GREEN_18 "{CCF5EB}" #define POISION_GREEN_19 "{E6FAF5}" #define POISION_GREEN "{00CC99}" #define LAWN_GREEN_1 "{000A0A}" #define LAWN_GREEN_2 "{001414}" #define LAWN_GREEN_3 "{001F1F}" #define LAWN_GREEN_4 "{002929}" #define LAWN_GREEN_5 "{003333}" #define LAWN_GREEN_6 "{003D3D}" #define LAWN_GREEN_7 "{004747}" #define LAWN_GREEN_8 "{005252}" #define LAWN_GREEN_9 "{005C5C}" #define LAWN_GREEN_10 "{006666}" #define LAWN_GREEN_11 "{197575}" #define LAWN_GREEN_12 "{338585}" #define LAWN_GREEN_13 "{4D9494}" #define LAWN_GREEN_14 "{66A3A3}" #define LAWN_GREEN_15 "{80B2B2}" #define LAWN_GREEN_16 "{99C2C2}" #define LAWN_GREEN_17 "{B2D1D1}" #define LAWN_GREEN_18 "{CCE0E0}" #define LAWN_GREEN_19 "{E6F0F0}" #define LAWN_GREEN "{006666}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_1 "{050F05}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_2 "{0A1F0A}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_3 "{0F2E0F}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_4 "{143D14}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_5 "{1A4C1A}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_6 "{1F5C1F}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_7 "{246B24}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_8 "{297A29}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_9 "{2E8A2E}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_10 "{339933}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_11 "{47A347}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_12 "{5CAD5C}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_13 "{70B870}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_14 "{85C285}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_15 "{99CC99}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_16 "{ADD6AD}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_17 "{C2E0C2}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_18 "{D6EBD6}" #define OLIVE_GREEN_19 "{EBF5EB}" #define OLIVE_GREEN "{339933}" #define DARK_GREEN_1 "{000A00}" #define DARK_GREEN_2 "{001400}" #define DARK_GREEN_3 "{001F00}" #define DARK_GREEN_4 "{002900}" #define DARK_GREEN_5 "{003300}" #define DARK_GREEN_6 "{003D00}" #define DARK_GREEN_7 "{004700}" #define DARK_GREEN_8 "{005200}" #define DARK_GREEN_9 "{005C00}" #define DARK_GREEN_10 "{006600}" #define DARK_GREEN_11 "{197519}" #define DARK_GREEN_12 "{338533}" #define DARK_GREEN_13 "{4D944D}" #define DARK_GREEN_14 "{66A366}" #define DARK_GREEN_15 "{80B280}" #define DARK_GREEN_16 "{99C299}" #define DARK_GREEN_17 "{B2D1B2}" #define DARK_GREEN_18 "{CCE0CC}" #define DARK_GREEN_19 "{E6F0E6}" #define DARK_GREEN "{006600}" #define GREEN_1 "{001400}" #define GREEN_2 "{002900}" #define GREEN_3 "{003D00}" #define GREEN_4 "{005200}" #define GREEN_5 "{006600}" #define GREEN_6 "{007A00}" #define GREEN_7 "{008F00}" #define GREEN_8 "{00A300}" #define GREEN_9 "{00B800}" #define GREEN_10 "{00CC00}" #define GREEN_11 "{19D119}" #define GREEN_12 "{33D633}" #define GREEN_13 "{4DDB4D}" #define GREEN_14 "{66E066}" #define GREEN_15 "{80E680}" #define GREEN_16 "{99EB99}" #define GREEN_17 "{B2F0B2}" #define GREEN_18 "{CCF5CC}" #define GREEN_19 "{E6FAE6}" #define GREEN "{00CC00}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_1 "{0A1A0F}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_2 "{14331F}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_3 "{1F4C2E}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_4 "{29663D}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_5 "{33804C}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_6 "{3D995C}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_7 "{47B26B}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_8 "{52CC7A}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_9 "{5CE68A}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_10 "{66FF99}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_11 "{75FFA3}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_12 "{85FFAD}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_13 "{94FFB8}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_14 "{A3FFC2}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_15 "{B2FFCC}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_16 "{C2FFD6}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_17 "{D1FFE0}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_18 "{E0FFEB}" #define LIGHT_GREEN_19 "{F0FFF5}" #define LIGHT_GREEN "{66FF99}" #define PINK_1 "{140F1A}" #define PINK_2 "{291F33}" #define PINK_3 "{3D2E4C}" #define PINK_4 "{523D66}" #define PINK_5 "{664C80}" #define PINK_6 "{7A5C99}" #define PINK_7 "{8F6BB2}" #define PINK_8 "{A37ACC}" #define PINK_9 "{B88AE6}" #define PINK_10 "{CC99FF}" #define PINK_11 "{D1A3FF}" #define PINK_12 "{D6ADFF}" #define PINK_13 "{DBB8FF}" #define PINK_14 "{E0C2FF}" #define PINK_15 "{E6CCFF}" #define PINK_16 "{EBD6FF}" #define PINK_17 "{F0E0FF}" #define PINK_18 "{F5EBFF}" #define PINK_19 "{FAF5FF}" #define PINK "{CC99FF}" #define HOT_PINK_1 "{1A0F1A}" #define HOT_PINK_2 "{331F33}" #define HOT_PINK_3 "{4C2E4C}" #define HOT_PINK_4 "{663D66}" #define HOT_PINK_5 "{804C80}" #define HOT_PINK_6 "{995C99}" #define HOT_PINK_7 "{B26BB2}" #define HOT_PINK_8 "{CC7ACC}" #define HOT_PINK_9 "{E68AE6}" #define HOT_PINK_10 "{FF99FF}" #define HOT_PINK_11 "{FFA3FF}" #define HOT_PINK_12 "{FFADFF}" #define HOT_PINK_13 "{FFB8FF}" #define HOT_PINK_14 "{FFC2FF}" #define HOT_PINK_15 "{FFCCFF}" #define HOT_PINK_16 "{FFD6FF}" #define HOT_PINK_17 "{FFE0FF}" #define HOT_PINK_18 "{FFEBFF}" #define HOT_PINK_19 "{FFF5FF}" #define HOT_PINK "{FF99FF}" #define DARK_PINK_1 "{14051A}" #define DARK_PINK_2 "{290A33}" #define DARK_PINK_3 "{3D0F4C}" #define DARK_PINK_4 "{521466}" #define DARK_PINK_5 "{661A80}" #define DARK_PINK_6 "{7A1F99}" #define DARK_PINK_7 "{8F24B2}" #define DARK_PINK_8 "{A329CC}" #define DARK_PINK_9 "{B82EE6}" #define DARK_PINK_10 "{CC33FF}" #define DARK_PINK_11 "{D147FF}" #define DARK_PINK_12 "{D65CFF}" #define DARK_PINK_13 "{DB70FF}" #define DARK_PINK_14 "{E085FF}" #define DARK_PINK_15 "{E699FF}" #define DARK_PINK_16 "{EBADFF}" #define DARK_PINK_17 "{F0C2FF}" #define DARK_PINK_18 "{F5D6FF}" #define DARK_PINK_19 "{FAEBFF}" #define DARK_PINK "{CC33FF}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_1 "{1A1A0F}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_2 "{33331F}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_3 "{4C4C2E}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_4 "{66663D}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_5 "{80804C}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_6 "{99995C}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_7 "{B2B26B}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_8 "{CCCC7A}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_9 "{E6E68A}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_10 "{FFFF99}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_11 "{FFFFA3}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_12 "{FFFFAD}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_13 "{FFFFB8}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_14 "{FFFFC2}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_15 "{FFFFCC}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_16 "{FFFFD6}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_17 "{FFFFE0}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_18 "{FFFFEB}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW_19 "{FFFFF5}" #define LIGHT_YELLOW "{FFFF99}" #define YELLOW_1 "{1A1A0A}" #define YELLOW_2 "{333314}" #define YELLOW_3 "{4C4C1F}" #define YELLOW_4 "{666629}" #define YELLOW_5 "{808033}" #define YELLOW_6 "{99993D}" #define YELLOW_7 "{B2B247}" #define YELLOW_8 "{CCCC52}" #define YELLOW_9 "{E6E65C}" #define YELLOW_10 "{FFFF66}" #define YELLOW_11 "{FFFF75}" #define YELLOW_12 "{FFFF85}" #define YELLOW_13 "{FFFF94}" #define YELLOW_14 "{FFFFA3}" #define YELLOW_15 "{FFFFB2}" #define YELLOW_16 "{FFFFC2}" #define YELLOW_17 "{FFFFD1}" #define YELLOW_18 "{FFFFE0}" #define YELLOW_19 "{FFFFF0}" #define YELLOW "{FFFF66}" #define MUSTARD_1 "{1A1400}" #define MUSTARD_2 "{332900}" #define MUSTARD_3 "{4C3D00}" #define MUSTARD_4 "{665200}" #define MUSTARD_5 "{806600}" #define MUSTARD_6 "{997A00}" #define MUSTARD_7 "{B28F00}" #define MUSTARD_8 "{CCA300}" #define MUSTARD_9 "{E6B800}" #define MUSTARD_10 "{FFCC00}" #define MUSTARD_11 "{FFD119}" #define MUSTARD_12 "{FFD633}" #define MUSTARD_13 "{FFDB4D}" #define MUSTARD_14 "{FFE066}" #define MUSTARD_15 "{FFE680}" #define MUSTARD_16 "{FFEB99}" #define MUSTARD_17 "{FFF0B2}" #define MUSTARD_18 "{FFF5CC}" #define MUSTARD_19 "{FFFAE6}" #define MUSTARD "{FFCC00}" #define ORANGE_1 "{1A0F05}" #define ORANGE_2 "{331F0A}" #define ORANGE_3 "{4C2E0F}" #define ORANGE_4 "{663D14}" #define ORANGE_5 "{804C1A}" #define ORANGE_6 "{995C1F}" #define ORANGE_7 "{B26B24}" #define ORANGE_8 "{CC7A29}" #define ORANGE_9 "{E68A2E}" #define ORANGE_10 "{FF9933}" #define ORANGE_11 "{FFA347}" #define ORANGE_12 "{FFAD5C}" #define ORANGE_13 "{FFB870}" #define ORANGE_14 "{FFC285}" #define ORANGE_15 "{FFCC99}" #define ORANGE_16 "{FFD6AD}" #define ORANGE_17 "{FFE0C2}" #define ORANGE_18 "{FFEBD6}" #define ORANGE_19 "{FFF5EB}" #define ORANGE "{FF9933}" #define DARK_ORANGE_1 "{1A0A00}" #define DARK_ORANGE_2 "{331400}" #define DARK_ORANGE_3 "{4C1F00}" #define DARK_ORANGE_4 "{662900}" #define DARK_ORANGE_5 "{803300}" #define DARK_ORANGE_6 "{993D00}" #define DARK_ORANGE_7 "{B24700}" #define DARK_ORANGE_8 "{CC5200}" #define DARK_ORANGE_9 "{E65C00}" #define DARK_ORANGE_10 "{FF6600}" #define DARK_ORANGE_11 "{FF7519}" #define DARK_ORANGE_12 "{FF8533}" #define DARK_ORANGE_13 "{FF944D}" #define DARK_ORANGE_14 "{FFA366}" #define DARK_ORANGE_15 "{FFB280}" #define DARK_ORANGE_16 "{FFC299}" #define DARK_ORANGE_17 "{FFD1B2}" #define DARK_ORANGE_18 "{FFE0CC}" #define DARK_ORANGE_19 "{FFF0E6}" #define DARK_ORANGE "{FF6600}" #define MAGENTA_1 "{0A0005}" #define MAGENTA_2 "{14000A}" #define MAGENTA_3 "{1F000F}" #define MAGENTA_4 "{290014}" #define MAGENTA_5 "{33001A}" #define MAGENTA_6 "{3D001F}" #define MAGENTA_7 "{470024}" #define MAGENTA_8 "{520029}" #define MAGENTA_9 "{5C002E}" #define MAGENTA_10 "{660033}" #define MAGENTA_11 "{751947}" #define MAGENTA_12 "{85335C}" #define MAGENTA_13 "{944D70}" #define MAGENTA_14 "{A36685}" #define MAGENTA_15 "{B28099}" #define MAGENTA_16 "{C299AD}" #define MAGENTA_17 "{D1B2C2}" #define MAGENTA_18 "{E0CCD6}" #define MAGENTA_19 "{F0E6EB}" #define MAGENTA "{660033}" #define MARONE_1 "{0D0000}" #define MARONE_2 "{1A0000}" #define MARONE_3 "{260000}" #define MARONE_4 "{330000}" #define MARONE_5 "{400000}" #define MARONE_6 "{4D0000}" #define MARONE_7 "{5A0000}" #define MARONE_8 "{660000}" #define MARONE_9 "{730000}" #define MARONE_10 "{800000}" #define MARONE_11 "{8D1919}" #define MARONE_12 "{993333}" #define MARONE_13 "{A64D4D}" #define MARONE_14 "{B36666}" #define MARONE_15 "{C08080}" #define MARONE_16 "{CC9999}" #define MARONE_17 "{D9B2B2}" #define MARONE_18 "{E6CCCC}" #define MARONE_19 "{F2E6E6}" #define MARONE "{800000}" #define RED_1 "{140000}" #define RED_2 "{290000}" #define RED_3 "{3D0000}" #define RED_4 "{520000}" #define RED_5 "{660000}" #define RED_6 "{7A0000}" #define RED_7 "{8F0000}" #define RED_8 "{A30000}" #define RED_9 "{B80000}" #define RED_10 "{CC0000}" #define RED_11 "{D11919}" #define RED_12 "{D63333}" #define RED_13 "{DB4D4D}" #define RED_14 "{E06666}" #define RED_15 "{E68080}" #define RED_16 "{EB9999}" #define RED_17 "{F0B2B2}" #define RED_18 "{F5CCCC}" #define RED_19 "{FAE6E6}" #define RED "{FF0000}" #define DARK_RED_1 "{140000}" #define DARK_RED_2 "{290000}" #define DARK_RED_3 "{3D0000}" #define DARK_RED_4 "{520000}" #define DARK_RED_5 "{660000}" #define DARK_RED_6 "{7A0000}" #define DARK_RED_7 "{8F0000}" #define DARK_RED_8 "{A30000}" #define DARK_RED_9 "{B80000}" #define DARK_RED_10 "{CC0000}" #define DARK_RED_11 "{D11919}" #define DARK_RED_12 "{D63333}" #define DARK_RED_13 "{DB4D4D}" #define DARK_RED_14 "{E06666}" #define DARK_RED_15 "{E68080}" #define DARK_RED_16 "{EB9999}" #define DARK_RED_17 "{F0B2B2}" #define DARK_RED_18 "{F5CCCC}" #define DARK_RED_19 "{FAE6E6}" #define DARK_RED "{CC0000}" #define KHAKI_1 "{0F0F0A}" #define KHAKI_2 "{1F1F14}" #define KHAKI_3 "{2E2E1F}" #define KHAKI_4 "{3D3D29}" #define KHAKI_5 "{4C4C33}" #define KHAKI_6 "{5C5C3D}" #define KHAKI_7 "{6B6B47}" #define KHAKI_8 "{7A7A52}" #define KHAKI_9 "{8A8A5C}" #define KHAKI_10 "{999966}" #define KHAKI_11 "{A3A375}" #define KHAKI_12 "{ADAD85}" #define KHAKI_13 "{B8B894}" #define KHAKI_14 "{C2C2A3}" #define KHAKI_15 "{CCCCB2}" #define KHAKI_16 "{D6D6C2}" #define KHAKI_17 "{E0E0D1}" #define KHAKI_18 "{EBEBE0}" #define KHAKI_19 "{F5F5F0}" #define KHAKI "{999966}" #define GRAPHITE_1 "{0A0F0F}" #define GRAPHITE_2 "{141F1F}" #define GRAPHITE_3 "{1F2E2E}" #define GRAPHITE_4 "{293D3D}" #define GRAPHITE_5 "{334C4C}" #define GRAPHITE_6 "{3D5C5C}" #define GRAPHITE_7 "{476B6B}" #define GRAPHITE_8 "{527A7A}" #define GRAPHITE_9 "{5C8A8A}" #define GRAPHITE_10 "{669999}" #define GRAPHITE_11 "{75A3A3}" #define GRAPHITE_12 "{85ADAD}" #define GRAPHITE_13 "{94B8B8}" #define GRAPHITE_14 "{A3C2C2}" #define GRAPHITE_15 "{B2CCCC}" #define GRAPHITE_16 "{C2D6D6}" #define GRAPHITE_17 "{D1E0E0}" #define GRAPHITE_18 "{E0EBEB}" #define GRAPHITE_19 "{F0F5F5}" #define GRAPHITE "{669999}" #define CORAL_1 "{0F0505}" #define CORAL_2 "{1F0A0A}" #define CORAL_3 "{2E0F0F}" #define CORAL_4 "{3D1414}" #define CORAL_5 "{4C1A1A}" #define CORAL_6 "{5C1F1F}" #define CORAL_7 "{6B2424}" #define CORAL_8 "{7A2929}" #define CORAL_9 "{8A2E2E}" #define CORAL_10 "{993333}" #define CORAL_11 "{A34747}" #define CORAL_12 "{AD5C5C}" #define CORAL_13 "{B87070}" #define CORAL_14 "{C28585}" #define CORAL_15 "{CC9999}" #define CORAL_16 "{D6ADAD}" #define CORAL_17 "{E0C2C2}" #define CORAL_18 "{EBD6D6}" #define CORAL_19 "{F5EBEB}" #define CORAL "{993333}" #define LIME_1 "{141A0F}" #define LIME_2 "{29331F}" #define LIME_3 "{3D4C2E}" #define LIME_4 "{52663D}" #define LIME_5 "{66804C}" #define LIME_6 "{7A995C}" #define LIME_7 "{8FB26B}" #define LIME_8 "{A3CC7A}" #define LIME_9 "{B8E68A}" #define LIME_10 "{CCFF99}" #define LIME_11 "{D1FFA3}" #define LIME_12 "{D6FFAD}" #define LIME_13 "{DBFFB8}" #define LIME_14 "{E0FFC2}" #define LIME_15 "{E6FFCC}" #define LIME_16 "{EBFFD6}" #define LIME_17 "{F0FFE0}" #define LIME_18 "{F5FFEB}" #define LIME_19 "{FAFFF5}" #define LIME "{CCFF99}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_1 "{141A05}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_2 "{29330A}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_3 "{3D4C0F}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_4 "{526614}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_5 "{66801A}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_6 "{7A991F}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_7 "{8FB224}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_8 "{A3CC29}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_9 "{B8E62E}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_10 "{CCFF33}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_11 "{D1FF47}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_12 "{D6FF5C}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_13 "{DBFF70}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_14 "{E0FF85}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_15 "{E6FF99}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_16 "{EBFFAD}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_17 "{F0FFC2}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_18 "{F5FFD6}" #define GREEN_YELLOW_19 "{FAFFEB}" #define GREEN_YELLOW "{CCFF33}" #define BROWN_1 "{0A0500}" #define BROWN_2 "{140A00}" #define BROWN_3 "{1F0F00}" #define BROWN_4 "{291400}" #define BROWN_5 "{331A00}" #define BROWN_6 "{3D1F00}" #define BROWN_7 "{472400}" #define BROWN_8 "{522900}" #define BROWN_9 "{5C2E00}" #define BROWN_10 "{663300}" #define BROWN_11 "{754719}" #define BROWN_12 "{855C33}" #define BROWN_13 "{94704D}" #define BROWN_14 "{A38566}" #define BROWN_15 "{B29980}" #define BROWN_16 "{C2AD99}" #define BROWN_17 "{D1C2B2}" #define BROWN_18 "{E0D6CC}" #define BROWN_19 "{F0EBE6}" #define BROWN "{663300}"