[FilterScript] Rampage/Killfrenzy FS

Rampage/Killfrenzy FilterScript
Version 1.0, Author: fshianasan
- a_samp
- streamer
- zcmd

- /rend is rampage end

Rampage Info
new RampageInfo[MAX_RAMPAGES][rInfo] = {
	{  0,		 WEAPON_GRENADE, 99999, 120, 1, -2547.7891, 1228.0010,  37.4219,		"Explode", 		    "Grenade"},
	{  1,		  WEAPON_MOLTOV, 99999, 120, 2, -1666.2281, 1230.5741,  20.7310,		  "Torch", "Molotov Cocktail"},
    {  2,		  WEAPON_SNIPER, 99999, 120, 1, -2113.7825, -388.8085,  58.6367,		  "Snipe",	   "Sniper Rifle"},
    {  3,		WEAPON_SHOTGSPA, 99999, 120, 1, -2752.0322, -252.1089,   7.1875,		   "Kill",	 	    "Shotgun"},
    {  4, WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER, 99999,  60, 1, -1559.8829,  544.2721,  33.9044,	 "Annihilate",  "Rocket Launcher"},
    {  5,			WEAPON_AK47, 99999, 120, 2, -1536.7561,  483.8958 ,  7.1797,	   "Take Out",		      "AK-47"},
    {  6,			  WEAPON_M4, 99999, 120, 1, -1971.5701, -731.0182,  32.2266,	"Exterminate",			     "M4"},
    {  7,		WEAPON_SAWEDOFF, 99999, 120, 1, -2433.9126, -687.8441, 133.1283,	   "Splatter",		    "Shotgun"},
    {  8,		WEAPON_CHAINSAW, 	 1, 120, 1, -2052.6685,  149.4723,  28.8359,	   "Massacre",		   "Chainsaw"},
    {  9,			 WEAPON_UZI, 99999, 120, 1, -2408.4524,  725.2432,  35.1719,	   "Gun down",		  "Micro-Uzi"},
    { 10,		 WEAPON_MINIGUN, 99999,  60, 3,   709.8651, -827.2676, 223.6361,	  "Terminate",		    "Minigun"},
    { 11,	WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER, 99999,  60, 2,  -1754.239,	  964.062,   29.062,			"Fly",	   "Flamethrower"},
    { 12,		 WEAPON_GRENADE, 99999, 120, 1, -1619.3267, -504.7415,  22.5646,	   "Decimate",		    "Granade"},
	{ 13,			 WEAPON_MP5, 99999, 120, 1, -2545.5012,  122.9330,  22.1406,		"Execute",			    "MP5"},
	{ 14,	WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER, 99999,  60, 1, -2398.6619, -253.3659,  39.7722,	 "Incinerate",	   "Flamethrower"},
	{ 15,			  WEAPON_M4, 99999, 120, 2, -1856.5475, 1423.8613,   7.1785,	"Assassinate",			     "M4"},
	{ 16,		  WEAPON_SNIPER, 99999, 120, 1, -2115.8269,  924.8676,  86.0791,		 "Behead", 	   "Sniper Rifle"},
	{ 17,		 	WEAPON_AK47, 99999, 120, 1, -2408.1353,  327.4801,  35.1719,		 "Murder",		      "AK-47"},
	{ 18,		 WEAPON_SHOTGUN, 99999, 120, 1, -1944.4521,  790.5888,  55.7204,	  "Blow away",		    "Shotgun"},
	{ 19,		  WEAPON_KATANA,	 1, 120, 1, -2947.6743,  505.2559,   2.4297, "Hack and Slash",		     "Katana"},
	// { 20, WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER, 99999,  60, 5, -2897.8584,  971.9044,  40.5781,	   "Run over",		    "Vehicle"}
// Id, WeaponType, WeaponAmmo, TimeLimit, TargetNumber, rX, rY, rZ, Text1, Text2




For some reason this code looks like it is from a gamemode I am sure someone might have seen this but it does look like a decent release otherwise. I am not trying to be rude to your release but a large percentage of the time a first release on a new account is shenanigans.

Anyways, you can actually delete OnFilterScriptInit() dynamic elements (objects etc) are deleted automatically. You could have also used some enums so there isn't so many obscure variables.

Look Good

Good job

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