problem with host

PHP код:
Loaded log file"server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
21:02:59Server Plugins
[21:02:59] --------------
21:02:59]  Loading
[21:02:59]  >> plugin.mysqlR38 successfully loaded.
21:02:59]   Loaded.
21:02:59]  Loading
Streamer Plugin v2.7.2 by Incognito loaded ***
21:02:59]   Loaded.
21:02:59]  Loading
21:02:59]  ===============================
21:02:59]       sscanf plugin loaded.     
21:02:59]    (c2009 Alex "******" Cole
[21:02:59]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"
[21:02:59]  ===============================
21:02:59]   Loaded.
21:02:59]  Loaded 3 plugins.
21:02:59Ban list
21:02:59] --------
21:02:59]  Loadedsamp.ban
[21:02:59] ---------------
21:02:59]   Loading filterscript 'Island.amx'...
21:02:59]   Loading filterscript 'Speedometer.amx'...
21:02:59]   Unable to load filterscript 'Speedometer.amx'.
21:02:59]   Loaded 1 filterscripts.
21:02:59Script loaded RedFaction RPG v1.0
[21:02:59Number of vehicle models
I don't see why not load the vehicles

Show me the vehicle code which you added and tell me that where you placed it.

Also this filterscript is not loaded,maybe its not compiled or does not exist in the filterscript folder or its name is wrong:
PHP код:
[21:02:59]   Loading filterscript 'Speedometer.amx'... 
21:02:59]   Unable to load filterscript 'Speedometer.amx'

No i know th filterscript is not, the problem is the host company change the dedicate, and i think the mysql is the problem becouse here is an error
PHP код:
[20:53:46] [ERRORCMySQLQuery::Execute - (error #1054) Unknown column 'ip' in 'field list' 
An ideea ?

Help me guys (:

Make sure the vehicle data is loading. As far as I see, you're using MySQL as saving system, so I guess that you load cars from a specific query. Check if that query is still there or not.

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