unknown command

[07:25:17] [debug] #0 0003325c in ?? () from CnR.amx
[07:25:17] [debug] #1 000a6ad4 in public cmd_findhouse () from CnR.amx
[07:25:17] [debug] #2 native CallLocalFunction () [00474110] from samp-server.exe
[07:25:17] [debug] #3 00004360 in public OnPlayerCommandText () from CnR.amx

findhouse command not working

help me plz

This is just your server's logs, we can't do anything with it we need the whole script

Originally Posted by SecretBoss
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This is just your server's logs, we can't do anything with it we need the whole script
Why'd you need the whole script instead of the callback function?

Post your house loading function.

Originally Posted by Bingo
Посмотреть сообщение
Why'd you need the whole script instead of the callback function?

Post your house loading function.
it was just an example

Originally Posted by Bingo
Посмотреть сообщение
Why'd you need the whole script instead of the callback function?

Post your house loading function.
hi bingo

public load_houses()
new DBResult:qresult, count = 0, value[328];
if(!db_query(DB: HOUSEDB, "SELECT * FROM `house_data`"))
print("HOUSE SYSTEM :: No houses were found in \"Houses.db\" :: 0 Loaded");
qresult = db_query(DB: HOUSEDB, "SELECT * FROM `house_data`");
count = db_num_rows(qresult);
for(new i = 0; i < count; i++)
if(count <= MAX_SCRIPT_HOUSES)

db_get_field_assoc(qresult, "house_id", value, 5);
houseStuff[i][house_id] = strval(value);

db_get_field_assoc(qresult, "house_owner", value, 4;
format(houseStuff[i][house_owner], 48, value);

db_get_field_assoc(qresult, "house_password", value, 4;
format(houseStuff[i][house_password], 48, value);

db_get_field_assoc(qresult, "house_title", value, 4;
format(houseStuff[i][house_title], 48, value);

db_get_field_assoc(qresult, "house_bought", value, 20);
houseStuff[i][house_bought] = strval(value);

db_get_field_assoc(qresult, "house_price", value, 20);
houseStuff[i][house_price] = strval(value);

db_get_field_assoc(qresult, "houseX", value, 20);
houseStuff[i][houseX] = floatstr(value);

db_get_field_assoc(qresult, "houseY", value, 20);
houseStuff[i][houseY] = floatstr(value);

db_get_field_assoc(qresult, "houseZ", value, 20);
houseStuff[i][houseZ] = floatstr(value);

db_get_field_assoc(qresult, "interiorX", value, 20);
houseStuff[i][interiorX] = floatstr(value);

db_get_field_assoc(qresult, "interiorY", value, 20);
houseStuff[i][interiorY] = floatstr(value);

db_get_field_assoc(qresult, "interiorZ", value, 20);
houseStuff[i][interiorZ] = floatstr(value);

db_get_field_assoc(qresult, "interiorAngle", value, 20);
houseStuff[i][interiorA] = floatstr(value);

db_get_field_assoc(qresult, "interiorID", value, 20);
houseStuff[i][interiorID] = strval(value);

db_get_field_assoc(qresult, "lockType", value, 20);
houseStuff[i][houseLock] = strval(value);

db_get_field_assoc(qresult, "houseAlarm", value, 20);
houseStuff[i][houseAlarm] = strval(value);

houseECP[i] = CreateDynamicCP(houseStuff[i][houseX], houseStuff[i][houseY], houseStuff[i][houseZ], 1.5, 0);
houseECP2[i] = CreateDynamicCP(houseStuff[i][interiorX], houseStuff[i][interiorY], houseStuff[i][interiorZ], 1.5, 150 + houseStuff[i][house_id]);

new labelstring[200];
case 0:
houseStuff[i][label] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("{58D3F7}[FOR SALE]", COLOR_WHITE, houseStuff[i][houseX], houseStuff[i][houseY], houseStuff[i][houseZ] + 0.2, 25.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, 0, -1);
format(labelstring, sizeof(labelstring), "{FFFFFF}/buyhouse {FFDC2E}%i {FFFFFF}\nPrice: {FFDC2E}$%i", houseStuff[i][house_id], houseStuff[i][house_price]);
case 1:
houseStuff[i][label] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("{58D3F7}[ALT TO ENTER]", COLOR_WHITE, houseStuff[i][houseX], houseStuff[i][houseY], houseStuff[i][houseZ] + 0.2, 25.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, 0, -1);
format(labelstring, sizeof(labelstring), "{FFFFFF}Owner: {FFDC2E}%s\n{FFFFFF}House ID: {FFDC2E}%i", houseStuff[i][house_owner], houseStuff[i][house_id], houseStuff[i][house_price]);

houseStuff[i][infoLabel] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(labelstring, 0xFF0000FF, houseStuff[i][houseX], houseStuff[i][houseY], houseStuff[i][houseZ], 25.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, 0, -1);




show us findhouse command

Please Show the FindHouse Command To Us

You Have Just Posted The Call Back

Yeah,Add your /findhouse command here...And let us know is it a filter script?If yes then you would haven't added it correctly.First Put the filterscript in "FilterScripts" folder then,Press F2 and Copy the name of the Filterscript then add that name in 'Server.cfg' in front of FilterScripts...I hope it will work..If still it dont,let us know.

He is using CNRSF's gamemode, and the command looks unfinished you must finish dear shouraya

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