Register / Login system.

Hi, my name is Alex. I want to learn how i can modify a login / register system for my server. My GM is The Godfather official (it has /login and /register commands and i want to make dialogs). I wanted to add a Filterscript with a system but i still have GM's system. Do you have any tutorials or maybe one of you can help me? Thank you very much !

P.S: I am a beginner scripter in PAWNO.

Thank you. I'll try to edit my system and i will be back with an answer.

EDIT: I can't remove my system. Damn, it has so many codes. I need some help to remove it first and then i can make a new system.

Anybody ?!

Nobody gets involved in such big problems, you're aiming too high if you don't know anything about dialogs and file writing/reading yet.

You should start making small things, try add a register/login system to the lvdm gamemode.

Good luck.

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