Help dialog

Can you help me? Name and Status Appears wrong place

PHP код:
                    if( userID != INVALID_PLAYER_ID ) {
formatszDialogsizeofszDialog ),
szDialogname );
                            else {
formatszDialogsizeofszDialog ),
szDialogname );
ShowPlayerDialog(playeridDIALOG_TENANTSDIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS"Your tenants:"szDialog"Select""Back" ); 

The problem is that you pass "szDialog" as argument and it basically sets the first text twice.

pawn Код:
// if:
format( szDialog, sizeof( szDialog ), "Name\tStatus\n\%s\t{04BD04}online{FFFFFF}\n", name );

// else:
format( szDialog, sizeof( szDialog ), "Name\tStatus\n\%s\t{D10F0F}offline{FFFFFF}\n", name );
Or you can even use ternary operator:
pawn Код:
format( szDialog, sizeof( szDialog ),
    name, (userID != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) ? ("{04BD04}online") : ("{D10F0F}offline"));

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_TENANTS, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "Your tenants:", szDialog, "Select", "Back" );

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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The problem is that you pass "szDialog" as argument and it basically sets the first text twice.

pawn Код:
// if:
format( szDialog, sizeof( szDialog ), "Name\tStatus\n\%s\t{04BD04}online{FFFFFF}\n", name );

// else:
format( szDialog, sizeof( szDialog ), "Name\tStatus\n\%s\t{D10F0F}offline{FFFFFF}\n", name );
Or you can even use ternary operator:
pawn Код:
format( szDialog, sizeof( szDialog ),
    name, (userID != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) ? ("{04BD04}online") : ("{D10F0F}offline"));

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_TENANTS, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "Your tenants:", szDialog, "Select", "Back" );
both versions shows only the first player, not otherwise

Oh, my mistake. I thought you wanted this only for one player (didn't notice the different names).

Well then, yes. You have to pass "szDialog" as argument but not to keep the text "Name\tStatus\n" in the formatting but only at the beginning.

For example:
pawn Код:
// when declaring the string:
new szDialog[150] = "Name\tStatus\n";
// change "150" to the size you use

format( szDialog, sizeof( szDialog ),
    szDialog, name, (userID != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) ? ("{04BD04}online") : ("{D10F0F}offline"));

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_TENANTS, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "Your tenants:", szDialog, "Select", "Back" );

Go perfect !! Thanks a lot, +1.

Help me please,

pawn Код:
COMMAND:ircasa(playerid, params[]) //OK
    new HouseList[1000];
    SendAdminText(playerid, "/ircasa", params);
    if (APlayerData[playerid][LoggedIn] == true)
        if (GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid) < 3)
            if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed] == 0)
                if (GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) == 0)
                    for (new i; i < MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER; i++)
                        if (APlayerData[playerid][Houses][i] != 0)
                            format(HouseList, sizeof(HouseList), "Nome\tLevel/Max\n%s\n%s\t%i/%i\n", HouseList, AHouseData[APlayerData[playerid][Houses][i]][HouseName], AHouseData[APlayerData[playerid][Houses][i]][HouseLevel], AHouseData[APlayerData[playerid][Houses][i]][HouseMaxLevel]);
                            format(HouseList, 1000, "%s{FFFFFF}%s{FFFFFF}\n", HouseList, "Slot vazio");
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogGoHome, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "Selecione a casa que vocк quer ir:", HouseList, "Selecionar", "Cancelar");
                    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "Vocк precisa estar a pй, para ir atй a sua casa!");
                SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "Vocк nгo pode usar o comando /irparacasa quando estб preso!");
            SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "{FF0000}Vocк nгo pode usar o comando /irparacasa quando estб procurado!");
        return 0;
    return 1;

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