Drunk Player Walking

Hello, i want to do that when a player is drunk he walks with DRUNK anim.

My problem is to detect when player is moving ( W A S D), i mean that he can't run/walk, when he tries to do everything the script forces him DRUNK walk animation.

Anyone can help me? I'm trying to do this but it's bugging everything.

This is all you need, apply it when the player drinks.

Originally Posted by TakeiT
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This is all you need, apply it when the player drinks.
Nope, because SetPlayerDrunkLevel just makes your visual move.
I would like that when the player moves (W - A - S - D) the drunk walk style animation applies on him,
but not only when pressing ALT, but also when running / sprinting.

Please help me.


I already have got the drunk animation.
Why don't you read?
I am looking a way to let the player moves when he's drunk, so when he wants to stop walking there's no anim on him.

Sorry, I clearly didn't read that properly.

You need to detect the W/A/S/D keys (or arrow keys) with GetPlayerKeys under OnPlayerUpdate. If they press W or S - apply anim. If they release W/S - stop anim.

Originally Posted by MP2
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Sorry, I clearly didn't read that properly.

You need to detect the W/A/S/D keys (or arrow keys) with GetPlayerKeys under OnPlayerUpdate. If they press W or S - apply anim. If they release W/S - stop anim.
Tried to, but it bugs my player...

Can you elaborate please? How do you mean it bugs your player?

That's what i did.. seems not working. The bug was mine mistake sorry

CheckWalk(playerid) {
	new keys, updown, leftright;
	GetPlayerKeys(playerid, keys, updown, leftright);
	if(LegShooted[playerid] == 1) {
	    if ((keys == KEY_UP) || (keys == KEY_DOWN) || (keys == KEY_LEFT) || (keys == KEY_RIGHT))
	else if(Giocatore[playerid][pDrunk] == 1) {
		if ((keys && updown & KEY_UP) || (keys && updown & KEY_DOWN) || (keys && leftright & KEY_LEFT) || (keys && leftright & KEY_RIGHT))

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid) {


The 'keys' variable doesn't store U/D/L/R. That's what the 'updown' and 'leftright' variables are for.

pawn Код:
if(leftright == KEY_LEFT || leftright == KEY_RIGHT)
    // They are holding left or right
Or alternatively...
pawn Код:
if(leftright) // Not false (0)
    // They are holding left or right
Also, you want to check if they just STARTED to hold a key, you don't want to keep applying the animation. So to do this, you need to get their old key state (save it in variables).

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