Need Small help Rep +

Hello I'm using only 4 timers in server but the server is lagging hard when we have more players like more than 50.
I'm using nothing on OnPlayerUpdate

	t1 = SetTimer("AntiCheatUpdate",8000,true);

        t2 = SetTimer("AutoMessage", 60000, true);

	t6 = SetTimer("Anticheat", 1000, true);

this onplayer spawn statstimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("StatsInfromation", 15000, true, "u", playerid); but this timer got kill on player death and start again on player spawn. 
I'm using this to update player stats textdraws.

Include more information? What kinds of code is executed ik every timer? What OS, what kind of machine? Other heavy scripts you're running?

t1 = SetTimer("AntiCheatUpdate",8000,true);

this timer check all anti cheats.. like health /armour /weapon /speed /money

t2 = SetTimer("AutoMessage", 60000, true); //this will update message textdraws

t6 = SetTimer("Anticheat", 1000, true); // this timer only check the Weapon crasher and vehicle teleport

Originally Posted by MBilal
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Hello I'm using only 4 timers in server but the server is lagging hard when we have more players like more than 50.
I'm using nothing on OnPlayerUpdate

	t1 = SetTimer("AntiCheatUpdate",8000,true);

        t2 = SetTimer("AutoMessage", 60000, true);

	t6 = SetTimer("Anticheat", 1000, true);

this onplayer spawn statstimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("StatsInfromation", 15000, true, "u", playerid); but this timer got kill on player death and start again on player spawn. 
I'm using this to update player stats textdraws.
Wouldn't it make more sense to increment a variable inside of the anti-cheat to run every 15 seconds instead of having that 15 second timer for every player? Just running a loop inside of the AntiChat (which I'm sure you already have)? I mean, you could really do that for all of them if you wanted since you started with a base of 1 second.

Too make lag less , i'm removing stats update timer but i want to know how i can update these text
onplayerdeath ?
how i can use them onplayerdeath to update these textdraws?

stock  StatsInfromation(playerid)
	if (IsPlayerConnected(playerid))
    format(Jstring, sizeof(Jstring), "~y~Rank : ~w~%s" , GetRankName(playerid));
    format(Jstring, sizeof(Jstring), "~b~Score : ~w~%d" , GetPlayerScore(playerid));

    format(Jstring, sizeof(Jstring), "~g~Kills : ~w~%d" , pInfo[playerid][Kills]);

    format(Jstring, sizeof(Jstring), "~r~Deaths : ~w~%d" , pInfo[playerid][Deaths]);

    format(Jstring, sizeof(Jstring), "~b~Headshots : ~w~%d" , pInfo[playerid][Headshot]);

    format(Jstring, sizeof(Jstring), "~r~Streak : ~w~%d" , Streaks[playerid]);

    format(Jstring, sizeof(Jstring), "~y~Ratio : ~w~%.2f" ,Float:pInfo[playerid][Kills]/Float:pInfo[playerid][Deaths]);
	return 1;

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