Crashing on one specific server on confirming team selection

Hello everyone,

I have had this issue for a while: I crash on confirming team selection on one specific server. I get a huge list of warnings when I confirm the team I selected and then I crash instantly afterwards.

The server is: COD5/C5 Resurrection (will post IP if needed)

Apparently I'm nearly the only one to have this issue, so I guess it is not a server bug.

However I'm clueless to why I crash, because of the following:
  • It happens only on this sever, not on any other
  • I play with the legit GTA SA version, not a cracked one
  • My game is mod-free, I don't use any, I use original files
  • I have tried to download an antocrasher, did not work
  • I have tried to reinstall the whole game and SA-MP, issue still not fixed
So yes, I need some help please.

It is possible that it is the server's script that's making you crash.
If you know of any other server using the same GM you can try to log in that and check whether you are crashing there too or not.
Also can you tell us whether you crash on selecting one specific class or you just crash regardless of the class you choose?

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