02.04.2015, 12:13
stock GetColorFromText(color[]) { new rcolor; switch(color[]) { case "red": rcolor = "FF0000"; case "orange": rcolor = "FF6A00"; case "yellow": rcolor = "FFFF00"; case "green": rcolor = "15FF00"; case "blue": rcolor = "0000FF"; case "violet": rcolor = "FF00C3"; case "maroon": rcolor = "8C0303"; case "white": rcolor = "FFFFFF"; case "gray": rcolor = "8C8C8C"; } return rcolor; }
"I need the text to be like this."
So it would be like:
"*FF00C3*I need the text*FF0000* to be like this."
Now how do I do it with my current function?
Will it be something like this? But it doesnt work
""GetColorFromText("violet")"I need the text"GetColorFromText("red")"to be like this."