[Tutorial] How to create your RCON system (2-RCON)?

Learn right now about how to create 2-rcon!
- Settings:
  • Create a script, open it; include your includes, then set your 2-rcon password by define it:
    pawn Код:
    #define rconpassword "changemetoyourpassword"
  • There's something what you should do, creating a variable to check if he is logged as 2-rcon:
    pawn Код:
    new Logged[MAX_PLAYERS];
  • After that, you should compile, and you should have only an error: symbol is never used; it will dissapear at final.
- Scripting:
  • Now, we can start scripting; we have to log in specified player as 2-RCON, by a command:
    pawn Код:
    CMD:tworcon(playerid, params[]) // Command made with ZCMD (thanks, Zeex)
    { // open bracket
        if(isnull(params)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "USAGE: /tworcon [password]"); // if he doesn't write any params, he will receive this message.
        if(strcmp(params, rconpassword) == 0) // check if his params it's 2rcon password.
        { // open
            SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}You're logged in as 2-RCON"); // sends message to him
        Logged[playerid] = 1; // set variable to 1, so he's logged.
        } // close
        else // if his params isn't 2rcon password.
        { // open
            SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}WRONG PASSWORD");
        } // close
        return 1; // return
    } // close bracket
  • If you want to create commands for this 2-RCON, then you should check if player it's logged as 2-RCON, like:
    pawn Код:
    stock IsPlayerRCON(playerid) // makin' a stock
    { // open
        if(Logged[playerid] == 1) return true; // if he's logged in 2-rcon, he can use command, function.
        else return false; // else, if he's not 2-rcon will return 0, so won't let him to use specified command
    } // close
  • Now, your 2-rcon it's ready to use, for example, a simple command:
    pawn Код:
    CMD:test(playerid, params[]) // Command
    { // open
        if(IsPlayerRCON(playerid)) // check if he's logged in as 2-rcon
        { // open
            SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}CONGRATS. YOU'RE LOGGED IN 2-RCON!"); // sends message.
        } // close
        return 1; // return
    } // close
  • You created your 2-rcon, if you want to disable default rcon enter in server.cfg and write:
    pawn Код:
    rcon 0
  • Now, compile; if you did everything like how I explained in this tutorial you shouldn't have any errors.
- Credits:
  • HY - Scripting & creating this tutorial;
  • Zeex - For great & fast command proccesor.
  • SA-MP - Self explanatory, without sa-mp we couldn't create & share our filterscripts, tutorials.
NOTE: Nothing to do about tutorial, but, for lazy people here's download link.

I don't see any point of making this.
This must have been done in This callback:

There's already an RCON system, why make another? You can just use OnRconCommand to create additional commands.
And you didn't define "isnull".

Yeah, there really isn't much point in this at all, as there's already an RCON system.

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