Fake Players(BOT) In a Server

I want to report a server that uses BOTS to increase number of their players. If you take a look as this server, you will see that almost half players are FAKE and they are just BOTS. Fake Players with fake names and they set the score of these bots to a random socre and bots take score and money in any hour !!


Server Name: Fire Gaming

I want to know that is this allowed? If not, what will happen for this server?

Sorry if my English is bad! (And the language of this server is not English)

No it's not allowed.
Originally Posted by SA:MP License Agreement
(g) You may not artificially increase your player count or provide false info to the
SA-MP query mechanism.

However, we can't do anything about it. The only way to combat this is reporting it to the SA-MP team via team@sa-mp.com.

Ok, I will send an email. Thanks...

I would remove that server address because your doing a Advertisement.

He isn't advertising anything, but just apointing/ asking a question. I'm not to sure if the SA-MP team their email (team@sa-mp.com). The best you can do is to report it on the forums and wait until someone has the authority to actually do something about it.

you need proof..

Originally Posted by SAMP TOS
You may not attack another SA-MP server operator by way of bullying, defamation, Denial of Service attack tools, robots or any other means.
Honestly "Robots or any other means", doesn't specify specifically about "bumping" the servers "Player base", and in my view its perfectly fine, just not the best practice (let alone should be done at-all)

@zT KiNgKoNg; it's not allowed. Check abagails post.

1. This is an adv ? Why I have to do adv for a PERSIAN language server here? Im sure that nobody here will play in this sever.
2. Proof? Its not very important to me to this server be blocked or something like this. But if I want to show some proof, what I have to do? Taking screen shot ? HOW can take a screen shot from fake player?
3. This server adds bot on a special time(for example in 2 pm !) and disconnect them on a special time(I think they do this in 11 pm ). Remember that I am talking about the country local time. The server gives the bots some score and money in any hour. So they are using BOTS, but they are doing this very carefully ...
4. This server has many NPCs and if they want to use bot for fine things(!) why they don't use NPC?
5. All of these bots are always in SPAWN POINT and they dont have AFK tag or something else...


(g) You may not artificially increase your player count or provide false info to the
SA-MP query mechanism.

I think you got that wrong, ya know, you can increase it by sending false info without connecting tons of NPC's/bots to your server.

And what's not legit in having many NPC's ? maybe I have a zombie server with a lot of npc's as zombies ?

Last but not least, don't count on the dev. team to read your email.

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