Mysql eror

[21:05:50] Error: Function not registered: 'samp_mysql_connect'
[21:05:50] Error: Function not registered: 'samp_mysql_select_db'
[21:05:50] Error: Function not registered: 'samp_mysql_ping'
[21:05:50] Error: Function not registered: 'samp_mysql_close'
[21:05:50] Error: Function not registered: 'samp_mysql_query'
[21:05:50] Error: Function not registered: 'samp_mysql_real_escape_string'
[21:05:50] Error: Function not registered: 'samp_mysql_store_result'
[21:05:50] Error: Function not registered: 'samp_mysql_num_rows'
[21:05:50] Error: Function not registered: 'samp_mysql_fetch_row'
[21:05:50] Error: Function not registered: 'samp_mysql_free_result'
[21:05:50] Error: Function not registered: 'samp_mysql_strtok'

that eror showing me in my server.log what i need to do to fix that

try to match MySQL plugin with your script!

Plugin mysql is old i need update it to work

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