Strange Issue

To Test my server I run it on my pc then I go in game with several local computers that are on the same network. But sometime when I meet in game one of the players are not showing up on one screen and on the other screen it shows both players. Its weird.

Pleae help, this recently started happening

I JUST NOTICED THAT THIS ONLY HAPPENS WHEN ONE OF THE PLAYERS IS IN A VEHICLE, but when he exits the vehicle everything resumes normally at the updated vehicle's and player's position, like wtf.

Make sure you don't return 0 in OnPlayerUpdate as this will desync the player to all others.

Thats not it, the error only happens when someone enters a vehicle then only that player in the vehicle goes out of sync with everyone else. But I did look in my onplayerupdate for any return 0;

someone pleae

This issue still occurs when I enter a servers static vehicle

do you have any specific code at
or at "OnPlayerStateChange"?

no, i do not

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