Not all interiors working

Some interior works, others doesn't. Here's my code.

SetPlayerInterior( playerid, GetGVarInt( "Interior", house_id ) );
SetPlayerPos( playerid, GetGVarFloat( "IntX", house_id ), GetGVarFloat( "IntY", house_id ), GetGVarFloat( "IntZ", house_id ) );
Please help anyone? Does virtual world matter?

Originally Posted by Flokx
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Some interior works, others doesn't. Here's my code.

SetPlayerInterior( playerid, GetGVarInt( "Interior", house_id ) );
SetPlayerPos( playerid, GetGVarFloat( "IntX", house_id ), GetGVarFloat( "IntY", house_id ), GetGVarFloat( "IntZ", house_id ) );
Please help anyone? Does virtual world matter?
It might be a wrong interior id or wrong position.
Virtual world matter if that is a custom interior made for a specific world id. SAMP's interiors work for all sorts of world ids!

I am using gta intriors and got cordinates from samp wiki. The why strip clubs only works nothing else.

Make sure you are saving interiors and coordinates correctly. You can add debug messages to see where the game teleported you and check the debug data with the reference coordinates.

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