03.02.2015, 19:48
Последний раз редактировалось ZaBraNjeNi; 04.02.2015 в 09:48.
Grass Mower by ZaBraNjeNi
As title says, this is "Grass Mower" located in Los Santos. This may be useful for many servers.
Well, to start a mission type "start", you must be in valid car (Mower) or you will get this message:

If are you in valid car (Mower) next message is:

Your job is started, just follow check points.
- http://i.imgur.com/wFHRYr8.png
- http://i.imgur.com/GMxro4U.png
Here is 15 checkpoints, after finishing your job, you will get dialog with informations of earning:

- Pastebin -
- http://pastebin.com/4ypKkJN8