My friend can't find the server that im playing,help!

As what i said in title,i have 3 friend,i told them both to play sa mp,
1 of them was older and already have sa mp,so i gave him the ip and he can't find it,all it says is (retrieving info....)...
another 2 was a new gta-er,they downloaded gta and sa mp,so i gave
1 of them the ip ,he got the same thing,cannot find the server...
2nd friend i told him to search on internet,but this time he got it....
i want to ask is there anyway to solve this problem?i wonder what problem is that...
Oh and btw,i found the server on internet too...
The ip are :
and ... they are Crazybob's server....thanks to whoever help me

bump,any1 can help??

two possibilities. Either they made a mistake in the IP or port, or their route is blocked somewhere.

By using traceroute they can check if they can reach the server.

Originally Posted by TheShadow
two possibilities. Either they made a mistake in the IP or port, or their route is blocked somewhere.

By using traceroute they can check if they can reach the server.
what's a traceroute??

I think he used comma instead of period

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