01.02.2015, 19:22
Trying to fix this but i failed, it's giving me a error. (error 017: undefined symbol "HouseData") And error 036: empty statement Also error 017: undefined symbol "i"
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid) { new playername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, playername, sizeof(playername)); for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(HouseData); i++) // ERROR ON THIS LINE. { CheckP[playerid] = 1; if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 2.5, HouseData[i][housePos][0], HouseData[i][housePos][1], HouseData[i][housePos][2])) { if(HouseData[i][housePrice] != 0) { if(HouseData[i][houseOwned] == 0) { new string[128]; SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GREEN, "Would you like to buy this?"); format(string, sizeof(string), "Price: $%d", HouseData[i][housePrice]); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GREEN, string); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, "Available commands: /enter, /ds(hout)"); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, "/buyhouse"); } else if(strcmp(playername, HouseData[i][houseOwner], true) == 0) { SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GREEN,"Welcome to your porch!"); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE,"Available commands: /enter,lock,/house,/houseupgrade,/evict,/evictall,/sellhouse"); } else if(PlayerData[i][pHousekey] == 255 || HouseData[i][houseRentabil] == 0 && PlayerData[i][pHouse] != 255) { new string[128]; format(string, sizeof(string), "[Address: %d] You're standing on %s's porch.",h,HouseData[i][houseOwner]); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GREEN, string); SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_WHITE,"Available commands: /enter, /ds(hout), /knock, /doorbell, /breakin."); } CheckP[playerid] = 0; } } } } } |
enum houseData { houseID, houseExists, houseOwner, housePrice, houseAddress[32], Float:housePos[4], Float:houseInt[4], houseInterior, houseExterior, houseExteriorVW, houseLocked, houseMoney, houseOwned, houseMapIcon, Text3D:houseText3D, housePickup, houseLights, houseWeapons[10], houseAmmo[10], houseRentabil, houseCP }; new CheckP[MAX_PLAYERS]; |