Someone help me?

Okay so i was need to know how to use /editgate like how to move it? put password on it to move it? Someone give me a video or an example please..

Okey, you need to move it.. you need x,y,z open gates, ant close. simple example

new gates;

public OnGameModeInit()

gates = CreateObject(gatesID,x,y,z, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CMD: open(playerid, params[])
MoveObject(gates, Open gates cords ,moving speed);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~R~ Opening!", 3000, 5);
return 1;

Originally Posted by Karolukas123
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Okey, you need to move it.. you need x,y,z open gates, ant close. simple example

new gates;

public OnGameModeInit()

gates = CreateObject(gatesID,x,y,z, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CMD: open(playerid, params[])
MoveObject(gates, Open gates cords ,moving speed);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~R~ Opening!", 3000, 5);
return 1;
Correctly done.
new gates //defines the gates, place at the top of your gamemode

//now move to OnGameModeInit()
public OnGameModeInit() //our gamemode we're using
         gates = CreateObject(gatesID, x, y, z); //You must include the X Y and X!

CMD:opengates(playerid, params[])// start of command
       MoveObject(gates, X, Y, Z ,moving speed); //gates is what we defined and the moving speed must be added.
       return 1;// end of command

Alright and how to let someone move it? and put pass on it?

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