Errors in Server logs

[19:16:55] (TimerFix) WARNING: The function "NitroReset" took 11ms to execute! This will affect other timers.
[11:03:40] sscanf warning: Strings without a length are deprecated, please add a destination size.

Getting this errors in my server log...
whats is this?
does it effect the server?

Why am i getting this in server log ??
how to solve this?

please help me

About the sscanf warning, you have to assign a size to the new string within the sscanf-function. (Not sure how to describe it).

pawn Код:
new string[64];
sscanf(params, "s[64]", string);   // you probably forgot the [64] or whatever size is needed, after the 's'

Does it effects the server?

ok but what is the timer thing??

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