ZCMD Compile Error

Hey guys

Today I faced a big problem with my new build , when I scripted and changed everything I tried to compile my changes in PAWN and I get an error "fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "zcmd" , I downloaded and replaced zcmd.inc file in my pawno/include folder and checked every possible mistake in scripint , in folders I restarted my PC but nothing

Everyone who can help me I will be very happy

Some more info
Windows 7
Linux server
Stunt/DM server
No filterscripts

Some images

SecretBoss | New Gaming Class Owner
Please help me.

Wrong board - Try scripting help.


Compile through pawno.exe

Problem fixed.

Make sure that you are running the pawno.exe from the exact same directory as where the include is located.

For example:
if your include is located at
C:\Users\Bible\Desktop\SAMP server\pawno\include\zcmd.inc
You must run the pawno.exe from
C:\Users\Bible\Desktop\SAMP server\pawno

I thought that Scripting help is for request scripting or something anyways I forgot to run it from pawn.exe in pawno folder I was running it from /gamemdoe/EXGAMEMODE folder , thanks guys for reminding me.

REP+ for everyone who helped me

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