i need to make something that sends files into folders

For an example i have players havent logined for 3-4months but they cars are being saved i have around 10000 accounts and the cars are in a mess cars being other cars and cars dissapering ..etc so is there any 1 on players gets banned his file goes to a folder and the player if he dsoent login for a week it goes to a folder?

The things I currently I can think of are:

* Use MySQL to check all players with their vehicle ID once in a while
* Use a_sampdb (so you don't have to setup a SQL database - a_sampdb is SQLite).
* When a player registers, write that name into a file and read once in a while all the names in that file and then check the userfileaccount (though that's too late if you have so many accounts).

Now that I'm thinking, it's too late for all of those. Just came up with a new idea:

Create a new variable (which gets created upon login) with their last login date. Then, in a week or something, check all the vehicle owners, and if they don't have that last login date, remove the vehicle.

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