[FilterScript] Easy Server Restart by Slo_Runner

Hi Guys,
I am here with my second FS

What does it do?
  • Lock Server before restart
  • restarts the server
  • reload config



* slorunner (Me) - Creator

Comment & rep me if you like it


I don't think putting in a password before restarting the server is good. Good effort though.

Simple, but useful for every server.

Originally Posted by Dairyll
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I don't think putting in a password before restarting the server is good. Good effort though.
well you can delete that line it will prevent joining

Originally Posted by Arastair
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Simple, but useful for every server.
Thanks, it's my second script

Originally Posted by ProKillerpa
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Originally Posted by slorunner
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well you can delete that line it will prevent joining

Using the 'password' command indeed puts a password on the server, but it will certainly not be 'unlocked' with 'gmx'! So the server lock remains untill you close samp_server.exe and start it again.
Also, the command gmx does not restart the server, but load the next gamemode specified in server.cfg. Filterscripts and plugins won't be reloaded

gamemode0 m3sa 1
gamemode1 grandlarc 1
If you started the server for the first time, and you use gmx, it will unload 'm3sa.amx' and load 'grandlarc.amx'.

If you want to reload the current gamemode, you should use the command "changemode". Off course, most people have only specified one gamemode so it will load the only gamemode, but people who have more gamemodes specified will be restarted in another gamemode. Still isn't really a server restart (yes I know, the SAMP Client also says 'server is restarting', but it's still not really a "server" restart).
And yet again, about the password lock; this script will not remove the server lock. Even though it reads the 'server.cfg' in OnFilterScriptInit() (So it's only called one time, unless if you reload the filterscript - So the server name won't change), it doesn't remove the lock (I just tested alot of stuff, just to make sure that what I just all told is true).

In short, here are my two tips:

* Don't use a password lock!
* Use "reloadfs {fs_name}" (where fs_name is the .amx name of your filterscript)

Why the heck are you showing a textdraw for 10 seconds showing "SERVER RESTART" while

this is one peace of s**t!

gmx is the shittiest way to restart a server client bugs galore.

Better shut down the client and run it again

Based of my observation. When restart more bugs will appeared some script or map bugs but when i shut down the client and run it again some less bugs will appeared.

Originally Posted by Kwarde
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Using the 'password' command indeed puts a password on the server, but it will certainly not be 'unlocked' with 'gmx'! So the server lock remains untill you close samp_server.exe and start it again.
Also, the command gmx does not restart the server, but load the next gamemode specified in server.cfg. Filterscripts and plugins won't be reloaded

gamemode0 m3sa 1
gamemode1 grandlarc 1
If you started the server for the first time, and you use gmx, it will unload 'm3sa.amx' and load 'grandlarc.amx'.

If you want to reload the current gamemode, you should use the command "changemode". Off course, most people have only specified one gamemode so it will load the only gamemode, but people who have more gamemodes specified will be restarted in another gamemode. Still isn't really a server restart (yes I know, the SAMP Client also says 'server is restarting', but it's still not really a "server" restart).
And yet again, about the password lock; this script will not remove the server lock. Even though it reads the 'server.cfg' in OnFilterScriptInit() (So it's only called one time, unless if you reload the filterscript - So the server name won't change), it doesn't remove the lock (I just tested alot of stuff, just to make sure that what I just all told is true).

In short, here are my two tips:

* Don't use a password lock!
* Use "reloadfs {fs_name}" (where fs_name is the .amx name of your filterscript)

Why the heck are you showing a textdraw for 10 seconds showing "SERVER RESTART" while
Just to inform people about the restart...

would this be ok? or should i write a remove all objects & reload all FS code?
SendRconCommand("password 0");
SendRconCommand("exec server");
format(string,sizeof(string),"changemode %s", GAMEMODE);
Originally Posted by Runcias
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this is one peace of s**t!
if you think so...

Originally Posted by Pottus
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gmx is the shittiest way to restart a server client bugs galore.
going to add autockick so they have to relog

Originally Posted by Team_PRO
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Better shut down the client and run it again

Based of my observation. When restart more bugs will appeared some script or map bugs but when i shut down the client and run it again some less bugs will appeared.
read previous quote

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